𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙶𝚏 / 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙱𝚏

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At least he upfront about it. We dated for about two years. I'm not saying it was a perfect two years but I loved him. But then we went to Mystic Falls and he fell in love with his brothers girl, Elena Gilbert. It hurt me to see him flirt and confess his feelings for her, and then she fell for him. That's when I left. I couldn't do it, I couldn't just watch the man I love, love someone else. I moved away and met another man. A gentlemen, noble, fair, loyal to his family. Elijah Mikaelson. We lived in the jazziest town alive until we got wind of another doppelgänger living in Mystic Falls. I really didn't want to go back but Elijah asked me to accompany him. We were meeting a Rose and Trevor. Elijah explained the back story on them to me. We drive up to this old abandoned home, 20-30 years ago this home was probably full of life with kids laughing and running around but now it's old rugged and dirty. I walk behind Elijah as he talks to the women, who leads us to the living room. I see the girl standing, shaking. I walk down the steps, I can't help but feel like I know her, I walk around her to face her, "Elena? What are you doing here?" I whispered. Elijah and the girl were still talking. "Y/N, they took me. Please help me out of here."


Stefan thought it would be a good idea so break up awhile ago and I didn't fight it. I remember that night like it was yesterday really. He pulled me to his room and he kept apologizing. Then he ended it with you can still stay here for as long as you need. That, I didn't take him up on. I left that night. Started seeing the world because now, I didn't have any problems. I didn't have anything to do. I still keep in contact with Bonnie, Caroline and Elena and Ive helped them out a few times.

"Love? You got an invitation." Klaus, my wonderful boyfriend, I met up with him when he had a little problem of his own and helped out and I kinda never left. He hands me the invitation and I gently open it. "Somebodies getting married." I spoke, "Stefan and Caroline. It's a June wedding." I picked up my phone to call her and congratulate her. "Are you going to go?" Klaus picks up the card and reads it for himself, "Why wouldn't I?" I ask him, "Well he left you." He always treaded lightly around this, "Klaus, that was a long time ago besides She talked me to about it when they first started dating, no hard feelings. I'm going and so are you!" I told him. He loved formal events so anytime he could wear a tux and show off he was all over it.


Klaus and I had a thing some centuries ago and he left, without telling me and I spent years looking for them but I found no clue of their whereabouts. No one knew of them or anything so it made my mission a little impossible, and that made me give up. Give up on being with him again.

"You're like a million years old." Kai was going on and on and on. He wouldn't shut up. " More like a little over thousand." I corrected him. Kai and I are at the grill, he's eating a nice juicy burger and I'm eating wings. We come here like everyday. "I can not believe it! Y/N?" Kai eyes turned dark hearing a man call out for me, I follow his gaze and I'm completely stunned and confused. "Niklaus?" He walks over to me not even noticing Kai and I can tell that's getting under his skin. "Y/N, who is that?" Kai spoke up gaining Klaus' attention now, "We're am old flame that got separated." Klaus spoke for me, "How much of an old flame?" Kai had questions lined up, "Like a million years ago." I joked with him causing him to laugh a little, "Y/N, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend." Klaus took a seat, " Boyfriend, he's my boyfriend. Klaus this is Kai and Kai this is Klaus." Kai smiled at the fact I corrected him. "That's right, boyfriend.


I laid under the sun in the field of grass with my boyfriend, Enzo. It's a new but beautiful relationship. Plus he's a vampire, dating humans gives me too much worry. Enzo jumps up and picks me up causing me to laugh out loud. I ran as he chased me back to the car. I was so in love with this man who plays guitar and who has an accent.

We walk hand in hand down the street, we were heading to this little diner. It was small but the food was delicious. "Y/N? It's been awhile." Someone pulled me away from the menu, I look up and i'm met with Elijah, wearing a tux as usual. "Elijah, nice to see you." I mentioned. I think I'll keep this conversation light. "Enzo, this is Elijah." I look at my boyfriend who was oddly confused, "Ah, the Elijah who you dated for like a hundred years then he left you with no explanation." He asked, I remember I told him that and he go so angry. "I see you told him."

"Yea we're past the awkward talk about ex's." I told him. "Hey we gotta go." Some girl came up, pretty, to Elijah and told him. "Hayley please meet Y/N and her friend? -" He was cut off, "Boyfriend." Enzo corrected. "Meet her boyfriend, Enzo." They nod to each other and Elijah then excuses himself and leave with the girl is an odd hurry.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now