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I laid on my bed with the blankets wrapped and twisted around my body from tossing and turning. I could not fall asleep no matter how hard I tried and it was beginning to annoy me. My body was tired but my mind just wouldn't shut the fuck up.

My boyfriend next to me was sound asleep with small snores every so often. He no longer had any of the blanket we shared but that didn't seem to bother him too much. I let out a loud sigh and just get up. I know it's the middle of the night but If I can't sleep might has well do some research to help Bonnie, right?

Kai and I had our own spot. It was on the edge of town where too many people don't go. The house was small but had a homey feel to it. I love it. I think Kai wanted to be a little more into town but he said as long as we are together it doesn't matter.

I sit down on the cozy couch, turned on the light that was on the nightstand and pulled the blanket over my legs and opened up the old book. It has been in my family for generations and i'm surprised it hasn't crumbled into dust just by touching it.

"Baby?" Kai spoke. He voice was raspy from him being asleep. He entered the living room area with our blanket wrapped around his body, his hair was an absolute mess and his eyes were just about closed.

"You okay?" I take my focus away from the book and give it to my sleepy boyfriend. He was just dead asleep so he must need or wanted something.

"I'm going to lay out here with you. I sleep better when you're around." He laid himself down on top of me placing his head just under my boobs. He snaked his arms around me interlocking his fingers against my back. I smile down at him and moved his hair from his forehead.

"I love you." It was mumbled and barely audible. Whenever Kai did express his feelings to you it was in moments like this. Where it was just us, alone and when we were either in bed or he was tired. He definitely got a little more clingy and lovey at night times when he was on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion.

"I love you too." I said back to him. I moved my hand from his hair to his back giving him a small back massage. He was already sleeping. His breathing was getting heavier and slower.

He really was perfect for me and I was in love with him. He brought me back from the darkness that evaded my mind and life. He brought adventure back. He was my light at the end of the tunnel. Kai was what I needed to be me again and I hate that it was a boy that brought back from the war that was fighting within me but that's just how life works, in ways you never could imagine.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now