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With prowess his fingers interlocked around your throat, his nails prying into your flesh whilst he ogled down at you as though you were his prey, and logically you were. It made his fangs grow within his mouth as he heard you gasp from the blockade to your airway and so he decided to give a harsher squeeze, so that he could watch your irises roll in the whites of your eyes as though the colour of them was drowning in bleaching waves. His body was steadied above your own, claiming dominance in the position that the two of you outlined upon the mattress, each rapid rush of blood that ran through your veins was sent to his ears, only making him hungrier to claim you as his own as he had done countless times before.

"Look at me love." Klaus softly demanded, and instantly you obeyed, saddened that his grip had loosened however you knew exactly what his wrath was like if you did not follow instruction and it was not something that you were keen to experience every time the pair of you were intimate. It was obvious to anyone that met him that he could be very rough during sex, it was his solution to lessen his thirsty rage, however when he did so your body was always exhausted and before during those times you had passed out from the sheer efforts that your form had undergone. Though whilst the tension lasted your pleasure would be obscene, it often felt as though your soul transcended out from your body, lifting into the air to watch yourself writhe from notions that you could only just cope with. "That's a good one."

His praise sent a swarm of pride to flutter in your chest as your eyes captured the ambience of his own, desperate to see what he was going to do next. The two of you were rid of all clothing and it would be so easy for him to slip inside, from all his toying with you you were already doused in moisture between your legs, prepared for any method of sweet love that he intended to plough you with. A whine slithered out from your lips as he removed his strong hand from your neck, dancing them down your heated flesh to stroke along the tops of your thighs, his head clashed down as he rested his lips against your own, drinking in every breath that you exonerated.

"Please..." if you were to wait any longer there would no doubt be tears being restrained within your eyes, threatening to leak out from their emotional pools, and so you quietly begged up at your lover with your wanting expression, hoping that he would read the signals that you were giving to him. You wanted his hand to return to the previous placement, and as an elegant smile that wasn't quite a smirk fixated onto his mouth, before he did as you so desired, happily coiling his hand around your neck as his wrist lightly twitched, daring him to apply more pressure, and so he did as he watched your face riddle with soft ecstasy and excitement.

At first he had been apprehensive to dare touch your skin in such a threatening manner, you were his solace, his haven from the violence that he excerpted to others, but the more time that the pair of you were together, the vaster the things that you intended to try were. That was how he had discovered that you suffered from having a choking kink and it was his duty to make sure you didn't suffer any longer. He could buy you anything that you wanted in the world, after years of living, if you could call it that, his family had amounted to a grand financial stability and arose beyond the average income that most people in the world did. They could afford anything, but the one thing Klaus couldn't was to not be enough for you.

Money could not buy the one thing that you dreamt about, only physical contact could and as your partner, it was Klaus' duty to make sure that you never had to crave anything as he was willing to fulfil it all before you simply had to have a thought for it. "Harder..." You breathed out in a staggered manner, coercing the hybrid into growling from your wish, but he tackled no argument and instead fell into the palm of your hand, doing exactly what you said. It seemed the roles had reversed as he made himself comfortable between your veil of limbs, allowing his flesh to claim your own with the contact of his, your nipples became even firmer as they brushed with the soft curls on his chest, your senses were practically on overload in the moment.

They only made you stifled to cry out louder when he entered you with his cock that had seen many mounds, splitting into you and causing Klaus himself to huff out a sigh of content. This was all he needed; this love, this comfort. No one had been able to give him this escape, and so whilst he continued to choke you, he didn't allow his eyes to leave how his hand was wrapped around your throat out of fear that he would blink and make an irredeemable mistake. That was his worst fear, and so he was careful as he gave you your best rope of ecstasy.

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