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⚠️ Smut ⚠️

It had been a hell of a day. It started as breakfast with your closest friends and ended with you marching into battle beside them. Okay, that was a bit dramatic, even for you. A vampire had come into Mikaelson territory with an army at their back ready to take down the Original family. Idiot. His numbers were nothing compared to their strength. You weren't a Mikaelson by blood, but they'd declared you family some 300 years ago.

You'd met Rebekah first, bonding over your shared hatred of the vast majority of your peers. Kol liked your penchant for trouble. Klaus fell in love with your artistic spirit. And Elijah...well, to be honest, you weren't entirely certain why he spent time with you. For your part, you'd been madly in love with the Original since roughly the first time you saw him but he kept his distance. Klaus had been the one to turn you, though you discovered later that Elijah and Kol had been the ones to kill the man that made it a necessity.

Elijah and you grew closer over the years, though you would often disappear for decades at a time when he became too wrapped up in some woman or another to notice you. It wasn't his fault as you'd never admitted to your feelings, but that didn't make it any less difficult to watch. Despite your tendency to take off at a moment's notice, they'd told you often enough that you were family that you believed it by now. And that meant when they had an enemy, you did as well.

Which was how you found yourself covered with blood that was not your own as you stepped through the door of your home. You tossed your relatively clean jacket in the direction of the couch, not checking to see if you hit the target or not. Pulling up your favorite playlist, you put your phone in the dock that would send the music throughout your entire home and cranked the volume.

Fortunately, the blood that thoroughly covered your arms up to your elbows, was mostly dry so you weren't leaving it on everything you touched. Though by this point in your life you certainly knew how to get blood out of just about anything. Ripping out hearts would never be a clean endeavor, but it was efficient. You swung your hips to the music as you made your way down the hall to your bedroom, unbuttoning your shirt as you went.

You shrugged out of the top and tossed it aside, aware that it would need to be disposed of later. Your jeans went next though they were harder to strip. They'd been tight to begin with but dried blood had them sticking to your skin. Finally, you wiggled them off and kicked them into the pile with your shirt. Your undergarments soon followed.

You stretched your arms above your head willing the lingering tension from the fight to leave your tight shoulders. Until the adrenaline subsided, that was unlikely to happen. It was then you heard it. There beneath the steady rhythm of the familiar song blasting through the speakers was the shuffle of a step followed by a low moan. You spun around only to find Elijah leaning in the doorway to your bedroom. His suit jacket had long since been discarded and the sleeves of his dress shirt were rolled up to just below the elbow. His arms were crossed, pulling the thin fabric tightly across his muscles and causing the vessels to stand out under the skin. Damn the man.

By sheer reflex you grabbed the throw off your bed and held it in front of you. You'd expected Elijah to apologize, to leave and shut the door but he did none of that. Instead, his gaze moved slowly over you, all the way down and back up leaving a trail of heat in its wake. You arched a brow as you cleared your throat. "Do you mind?"

The corners of his mouth curled up ever so slightly as his tongue darted out to trace his bottom lip. Heat pooled in your core. He straightened and moved toward you, closing the space between you with slow, casual strides. "I am a thousand years old, Y/N. I assure you that you possess nothing I have not seen before."

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now