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"We know what we are, but not what we may be."

"Ah, Hamlet." Kol chuckles softly, "here I thought you just read Romeo and Juliet."

You try to surpass your smile and shake your head, "it's a good play but I think a story of betrayal, revenge and death is far more interesting. More grim." You turn your head to meet his still unwavering gaze. "Do you think that's weird?"

Kol immediately shakes his head, "no. Not at all." He grins, "interesting yes and well it's only grown my infatuation with you."

At his words your face begins to burn and you have to tear your gaze away to hide the smile that grew, only reaching for his hand to interlace your fingers with his. Stopping however and growing shy at the sudden appearance of two other older men dressed as fancy and expensive as Kol was. One especially, a tall, thin man with long blond hair didn't seem to keep his eyes away, even if you were the first one that looked away you could feel his eyes burn into you.

You hold onto Kols hand tighter and lean in closer to his ear, "who are they?"

Kol's eyes flicker away from you to focus on the two men approaching. "My brothers. The sophisticated one is my older brother, Elijah and the other one is Niklaus."

"Oh." You mouth, noticing that his two brothers were now before you.

"Kol you didn't tell us you were going to bring a girl home." The tall blond one said in the same elegant accent Kol had.

"Well it was never my intention to run into you, so."

His brother chuckles, albeit it's a strained laugh.

"My name is Niklaus," he continues with his lips tugged into a smug smile, "what might yours be?"

Your eyes nervously flicker to Kol and back to Niklaus, adding a small smile to your introduction, "my name is y/n."

His smile tugs wider and he then grabs your hand to lift it to his lips to press a small peck on the back of your hand. Making you slightly squirm and grip onto Kols hand tighter, thankful to the fact that you were moving on and now paying attention to the eldest.

"And I'm Elijah Mikaelson." He bows his head and unlike his brother just leaves it at that, it made you more comfortable in more ways than one. And you did understand that getting the back of your hand kissed is a formal greeting, but there was something about when Niklaus did it that made you feel uncomfortable.

So as far as how Elijah greeted you it made you smile, "it's an honor to meet you, Kol talks a lot about you and the rest of his siblings."

"Good things I hope."

Before you could answer Kol does first, "you know I always do."

You laugh at his comment and then in that blissful moment, Niklaus interjects. "I heard you talking about Shakespeare, are you fond of his work?"

"Yes are you?"

Niklaus shrugs, "I think I'm more fond of Folklore, you know Vampires and Werewolves."

You chuckle as if it was the funniest thing in the world, "they can be great bedtime stories I guess."

"So don't believe in such things? The monsters of the night?" An amused grin grows on his lips and he looks to Kol beside you, who just remains serious and then he looks to Elijah who just adds a feigned smile. "Vampires who drink their victims dry or werewolves who shift at a full moon? I do."

"When I was younger perhaps. Not anymore."


"I think it's time to take my lovely y/n home," Kol cuts Niklaus off, "I think she's had enough of hearing fairytales and honestly I've had enough of hearing your voice." Kol pulls you with before more could be said and just leaves you feeling Niklaus's gaze burning on your back.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now