𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝙷𝚞𝚛𝚝

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I slouched against the brick wall, chained. I'm hungry and weak. I was taken as leverage from the new enemies in town, everyday they threaten to kill me and with me being human, it wouldn't take much.

"Tell us, or else." The leader demanded.

"I don't know anything." That must've been the wrong answer because without even letting me know they take their blade and glide it across my arm making blood pour out. I'm so weak I don't even scream anymore.

"Last chance, what is your little boyfriend, Damon and your little friends, Elena, Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie, and Matt up to?" I don't bother answering, it was worth it because obviously I'm not going to tell them and with my state right right now, lying isn't an option. I can barely form a sentence that's not a lie. The man swears under his breath and finally leaves me alone. I can still feel the blood running down my arm, I just close my eyes.

"Y/N!" I can hear my name being yelled and I try to yell back, "In here." My attempt at yelling was pathetic but if it was anyone but Matt, they will hear me.

"Oh my god!!" I open my eyes and see that it is Caroline. God I'm so happy to see her. She unlocked the door and came to me, examining my wounds.

"Where is she?!" I can here Damon frantically yell.

"She's in here!" She unchained me and my arms dropped to my side.

"Baby, I'm here, here drink, It'll make you better, I promise." He shoves his wrist to my mouth and I accept his blood because I know I wouldn't make it through surgery.

"I am so sorry this happened to you." He helped me up from the floor, "I will kill anyone and everyone who put a hand on you." I embraced him in a hug and he kissed my forehead.

"You have no idea how glad I am to see you guys." I mumble into his shirt.

"I'm never letting you get hurt again." I can feel teardrops on my shoulder, one after another.


Elijah had been after me because his brother Klaus wanted me. And whatever Klaus wants, he seems to get, but I was willing to put up a fight. Stefan had taken me to a cabin in a remote area, if it had been for a vacation and not business, I would've loved it.

"Y/N, I'm not comfortable with this. It's too risky." He sakes his head, he never wants me to get involved with anything but the day I said yes to being his girlfriend was the day I did get involved in everything.

"It's fine, do you trust me?" I asked him.

"Yes I trust you but what if it goes wrong?" He is always thinking about every possible outcome. Not that it's a bad think but in this situation where it can and probably will go totally wrong, I don't really wanna hear it.

Elijah showed up to the cabin as expected, he was following me. I turn to Stefan and see that he's worried, "He can't come in the house." I reassure him.

"You know, I might not be able to enter this house, but I am a very patient man, I will wait you out." Elijah stood at the entrance staring inside looking for any sign of life.

I come into his point of view and walk slowly towards him, but not walking past the threshold of the doorway. I was safe inside.

"I shouldn't have done what I did." I try to apologize.

"The deal is off." He says without missing a best.

"I'm renegotiating!" I pleaded.

"You have nothing to negotiate with."

I pulled a knife out, I was hiding it behind my arms, "I like to see you lure Klaus to Mystic Falls if the doppelgänger bleeds to death."

"Stefan won't let you die." He was right. He wouldn't.

"You're right. But he gave me his blood, it's in my system so I'll become a vampire just like Katherine did. So unless you want that to happen again - you will promise me, you won't harm anyone I love, even if they have harmed you."

"I'm sorry Elena, I'm going to have to call your bluff."

I wasn't bluffing, I take a deep breath and face the knife towards my stomach and drill it in it. I scream at the pain and fall to my knees, "NOOO!" Elijah screams and tries to enter the home. I pull the knife out, I'll lose more blood this way.

"Yes, Yes. You have a deal, let me heal you."Elijah pleaded.

I stammered into his arms, then stabbing him in the heart with the dagger. I fall with him to the floor and Stefan races to me to give me his blood. To heal me. He brings me into a hug and keeps me there for a little while longer.


Klaus never wanted me to be in action but I always insisted, maybe this time, I should've listened.

I laid on the ground looking at the wooden stake that is coming out of my chest. Breathing is hard and I can't really focus on anything.

"Love!" I can hear foot steps coming towards me, "Are you okay?" He bent down to me and picked up my head with his hand.

"Uh, Yea I think so." I look up to him and he ripped out the stake.

"Who did this, I will kill them and their entire family."


"Y/N?" Elijah called out.

"In the kitchen." I was cooking myself something to eat. A grilled cheese to be exact.

"Hello, How are you doing?" He wrapped his arms around me and placing a kiss on my cheek.

Distracting me from my cooking, I rested my arms and immediately burnt my wrists on the pan, "OOO!" I backed up pushing Elijah with me.

He grabbed my wrist and checked out the the burn, "It's not too bad, Y/N. It'll be okay."

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now