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"Hey, I have an idea, you can shut up and let the people with magic and a brain talk." I turned around and told Damon. He kept butting in and cutting me off every time I spoke. "Yea Stefan, listen to Y/N." Stefan just looked at Damon, I guess being brothers with him for over a hundred years you get used to this. "Damon, honey, I was talking to you." I focused myself back to the spell book in my hands. I was on the couch and Bonnie was on the floor. "Honey? Pet names already?" Damon shrugged, "I like it. I'm one for rushing." I roll my eyes, "You know would probably know?" I asked Bonnie, "Kai." She shut her book, "Absolutely not. I don't ever want to see him." She made a good point, and I understood why she felt like that. "Okay, what if I went to him and you stayed here?" I suggested. She stays quite for a moment then speaks, "As long as I don't have to see him and besides, I think he will be a little happy to see you again." She threw in, "Why?" If there's a chance of me being killed by him I'm not going. Period. "He likes you, Y/N."

I open my car door and slide into the seat. Damon, whom I did not invite to go does the same. "Get out." I look straight ahead and demand. "No." He said. "Damon -" He cuts me off, "Y/N, I was in the prison world with him, I know him, I don't like him, I don't trust him. So me, Damon, will protect you if he has any other ideas."

"How do you know he will be here?" I parked in the grill parking lot, "You know him, so do I." I lock the car walking into the restaurant. Matt greets us at the door, "Is Kai here?" I ask him, he would know. "Yea over at the bar, is everything okay?" He always stated that he hated vampires and werewolves, anything supernatural but he's always asking questions. "Need help with a spell." I say casually. Damon just does his half smile and follows me where Kai day drinking and eating.

"Kai." I say enthusiastically. "Y/N, Damon, funny seeing you here huh?" He shoves a fry into his mouth and I take a seat next to him. "So....I need some help." I smile at him weakly. He wipes off his face, "Anything for you." He now puts his full attention into my hands, " With a spell, Bonnie and I can't figure it out exactly and I thought you'd know." He looks over at Damon, "Why's he here then. You know I don't really like him." Damon narrows his eyes, "For her. I don't trust you and believe it or not I kinda like having her around." Kai reached out and placed his hand on my forearm, "I would never hurt her, you on the other hand, blink of an eye." I can tell this conversation isn't going over so well so I try to change the subject back to why I was here originally, "So would you?"

"Under two circumstances." He stated throwing up two fingers. "Okay." It really depended on these circumstances. I wasn't going to do anything drastic. "One: Damon can't be in the same room. His presence annoys me." Damon scoffs at his first request, "Done. No Damon." I reply, "Y/N!" Damon tried to but in again but I elbowed him. "Two: I want you to go on a date with me, tomorrow night, my home, I'll cook, dress casual, and tonight i'll help you with the spell, around 5?" He made eye contact waiting for me to reply.

"No Damon and a date? These are easy requests."

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now