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I watched as the man I thought I was in love with love someone else. It was painful to watch, I always thought it would be forever and always when it came to us, Damon and me. "You really need to move on." Kai plopped down next to me. He was oddly comforting. I enjoyed his company and our meaningless conversations and I appreciated that he didn't walk on eggshells around me like everyone else.

"I am." I make eye contact with him and held it.

" I could help you, ya know." He put his around around my shoulders and scooted a little closer, our bodies now touching.

"Mhm, and how do you plan on doing that?" Kai and his big ideas were always entertaining to hear. The way his eyes would light up while telling me his master plans or when he would just talk to me was beautiful. It was a spark that not everyone seen in him.

"I'm going to make you fall in love with me." I was taken a little back but I wasn't too surprised. Damon always went on saying Kai liked me but I never trusty believed him. I always thought he was being the jealous boyfriend.

"In love? With Kai Parker?" I shake my head laughing a bit. Kai, the psychopath who doesn't even know how to register when he is upset or happy is going to make me, an over sensitive and emotional person fall in love.

"Yeah, I'm going to take you on a date or dates, preferably dates, then you're going to slowly fall in love with me, you're friends are going to criticize you for your choice in men, especially BonBon. Then before you know it you're going to be in completely and utterly in love with me and then we are going to live forever together, because we are both vampires, being in love in our own little house that's secluded. Then we will get away from all this drama, I know you hate it and we will have the most perfect life together. I just know it." It was like he had already thought of this.

"How long have you been thinking about this?" I ask him. This elaborate plan doesn't seem like he made it up yesterday.

"Since the day I seen you in the prison world. You were wearing a long sleeve shirt, too big for you but it made you look cute and those spandex you wear to
bed. Your hair was a lot shorter than it is right now. You were frustrated because you wanted to leave and you also wanted Damon to shut up." He was intense and serious, I can tell by the way he was looking at me.

"I remember that day. Everything was annoying." That's the day I found out that Damon was in love with Elena. He told me he couldn't wait to see her.

"I hate that you and Damon broke up because you're sad but at the same time, I'm excited. I know you feel something for me. Friends don't look at friends the way we look at each other. I'm all in, are you?"

Friends don't look at friends the way we look at each other. His words played on repeat in my head. Maybe I did feel something that I pushed far down. Instead of answering his question I stared into his eyes and built up the courage to smash my lips onto his. Our lips moved roughly over each other, it was like we were hungry for each other. My hands tugged at his short brown hair and he wrapped his arms around my body leaving absolutely no space between us. He moved from my lips to my jawline to my neck sucking lightly, "I'm all in too." I whispered bringing Kai's head back up. He smiled and connected our lips again.

This feeling was magical and epic. It felt like putting the last puzzle piece in on a couple hundred year old puzzle that I could never finish.

"Oh, am I interrupting something?" Kai and I peeled away from each other and looked over, Damon with a confused face.

"A little." Kai mentioned. I looked at him and gave the 'are you serious?' look. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. I broke the eye contact and looked at Damon. He was still standing there, waiting for something.

"No yo-" I tried to speak up.

"I wasn't because it looked like you guys were sucking each other's faces off." Damon spoke up. He seemed mad.

"Uh, we were." Kai shook his head agreeing with Damon. I turned my attention to Kai and laughed at him.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now