They Find Your *Toys*

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"Love, Is this why you won't be with me?" Klaus asks me. I direct my eyes to him and see he has found my little stash of vibrators, "Because I've been told i'm better." I can't even form a sentence. I am beyond Mortified, "Ahhh, don't be embarrassed! Kinda hot actually but I'll just put it back. Although, to give you something to think about, Me, you, plus mr. ice cream would have a fantastic time." He says pulling out the ice cream, small, vibrator. He shakes it trying to get me to think about it.

News flash Klaus, I have and I totally would if you weren't so fucking cocky. He would never let me live this down. Not ever.


"Yea it's in my top dresser." I tell Stefan. He strides over and opens it up. He moves the clothing articles around slightly.

"Uh huh. I didn't take you as a dildo person." Stefan says casually while pulling it out of my dresser. I just blink at him, totally not believing that he is holding the very same toy I pretend is him.


I stomp my way upstairs. Every step gets heavier and heavier as exhaustion has finally kicked in. I kick open my bedroom door and see Damon rummaging through my dressers, "What are you doing?" I ask mindlessly, heading straight to my bed.

"Fantasizing you using this." He holds up my yellow bullet vibrator, "Tell me, how often do you use it?"

"Whenever I want to."


"Darling, I have go to watch you use this." Kol says enthusiastically. I turn around to see what he's talking about and see him standing straight up with my baby pink vibrating dildo smiling widely.

"What's in it for me?" I say seductively raising an eyebrow.

"Anything your heart desires." He says quickly likes he would give up anything and everything.


"I could make you cum so much better than any of those toys you have, Y/N." Katherine whispers in my eye, sending goosebumps to shiver down my arms, "The tongue one is my favorite." She adds while licking her lips.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now