𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 (𝙴𝚕𝚒𝚓𝚊𝚑)

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Elena and I sat on the couch trying to keep our voices down. So our kidnappers would here us over their fighting. They kept going on and on about someone name Elijah and The Originals. Neither Elena or I knew who she was talking about.

"We have to try and escape." I whisper to Elena who is all for that plan. I take off my shoes, I was wearing heels when we were taken. We walk softly, one behind another with wide eyes.

With Elena behind me we tiptoe up the stairs and see the door. That's our escape, expect the people who were fighting heard us, "You, try and run, there's nothing for miles, I will kill you." The girl pointed to me, I wasn't necessary. They wanted Elena, they kept saying she is a doppelgänger and Klaus wants her and they wanted to buy their freedom.

They drag us back to the raggedy could they placed us on before. "What's this?" Elena tapped her foot on me gaining my attention. I pick up the white piece of crumbled paper and opened it slowly, trying not to make any noise. I don't really want those people coming back.


It read. Relief over comes my body and when I show it to Elena I can see her muscles relax as well. This was good. This was what we want. Damon will kill these two vampires, Trevor and Rose for taking precious Elena and because I'm with Elena I'll get saved.

A loud knock echos in the run down home, the make, Trevor freaks out and starts to reconsider this, inviting this man named Elijah who is suppose to mine and Elena's 'worst nightmare' and Rose put it.

Rose leaves Elena and I again, "It's going to be okay, I promise." I try to reassure her. Elijah won't kill her now but me? I'm probably a goner since Stefan and Damon aren't here yet.

"Where is she? The supposed doppelgänger." This must've been Elijah as Trevor and Rose both know where we are.

"In here then down the stairs." I hold Elena close, I can feel her tremble in my arms.

I stare towards the beginning of the stairs waiting for this so called, Original, Elijah to come into view.

He's tall, a few inches taller than I am. He's dressed in a suit, only leaving the first two buttons undone showing his collarbone. Handsome, could be charming. I feel like I've seen him before but i couldn't have. He just feels so familiar.

"Let go." He pronounces every syllable.

"I will - If" I try to negotiate with him.

"There's no If's." He cut me off but I'm not in a mood to give in just yet.

"If you don't hurt her."

"I do not wish to hurt her, I simply want to see if what these people are saying are true." I can feel
Elena nod into my neck and I unwrap my arms around her. She turns around his face goes blank.

He walked up close to her, close enough to kiss her and moved his head down to her neck. I ready myself to attack him. I watch every move like a hawk.

"Human." He brings his head back up at our hostage takers then to me, "But not you." He walks over to me and eyes me for a long time. Almost trying to gather information on me.

"And you are, Y/N?

I bring my eyebrows closer to the center wondering how he knew. I had told Trevor and Rose a completely different name.

"Let Elena go, Y/N, will come with me."

"What no! Take me!" Elena tried to reason, "Elena, It's okay. I'll be just fine. I'll get in touch with Bonnie."

"Bonnie, and who's Bonnie?" Elijah grips my arm harder. He has no idea the muscle we have but is it enough against him and his family?

"No one." I lied.

"Who is Bonnie?" He tried to compel me to tell him.

"Like I said, no one."

"We have a witch here." Elijah smirked.


"You need to eat." Elijah brought took me into some small town and has been keeping me in the home. I'm assuming another witch made it to wear I can do any magic because every is a fail.

"I don't care."

"What do you care about?"

"I want to go home."

"Why? What is there that is not here?"

"You're kidding tight? My bed, my home, my everything." I keep out my friends because of obvious reasons. I mention them and then he wants the entire dictionary on them.

"What about Elena?"

"Who knows? It's a big world. Why did you take me?"

"You interest me."

"So forget Elena? Not that I wanted you to take her, I actually thought you'd kill me then take her. Not take me and let her go."

"Elena is not needed right now and I assure you, I would never kill you."

"Why not? What if I tried something? Like kill you."

"I cannot be killed."

"Really. That's not what I read up on."

"What have you read?"

"Books and stuff." I turn away from him hoping he would get the clue that I no longer want to talk.

"And stuff." I can feel him sit down next to me on the love seat.

"Why can't I go home?" I ask him, I was home sick and I need to make sure my friends were okay. I needed to make sure Elena make it home safe because if she didn't it's my ass in Damon's eyes.

"You do not know me but I know of you and it's incredible that I can finally match the impressive loyalty to you. You are a hard one to track down."

The memories of me skipping town after town evade my mind, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I have been searching for you for the past 100 years, Y/N"

"Again, I don't know what you're talking about." I lie and lie and lie. My friends know how long I've been around and only them. They are the only ones I have trusted to tell.

"Y/N, You are my love."

"Okay so let's say what you're saying is true, you chased someone for 100 years because you think they are your love? I think that qualifies as crazy."

"I've seen it, my future, our future. You hate me at first because of this moment, how we met. Then you will need my help and I will gladly do so, and in time, you will realize that we were meant for each other. A puzzle. Soulmate."

Imagine for tifuu13

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now