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Everybody thinks i'm sweet and innocent, which is true, but behind closed doors i'm such a different person and Enzo knows this all too well. Everyone thinks he's the more dominant one in the bedroom but they are sorely mistaken. I love taking control of Enzo, having a powerful vampire quiver at your touch, it was thrilling.

I especially like taking control in public places, usually restaurants, which is what happened this time.

Enzo had been teasing me all through the meal and I couldn't do anything about it at that moment because we were out with our friends. I threw daggers his way every time he did something but he just smiled, knowing how much it was affecting me.

After a while, I just couldn't take it any longer so I excused myself to go to the bathroom with Enzo following not long after. I went into a toilet cubicle and waited for Enzo to come and find me like I knew he would.

When I heard loud footsteps enter the bathroom, I grabbed the person's clothes and dragged them inside the cubicle. "Well, hello to you to princess. You look ravishing." Enzo looked me up and down hungrily before I ripped open his shirt, sending buttons flying everywhere.

"Shut up and kiss me, Enzo". My mouth attacked Enzo's as both of our tongues fought for dominance. I won, which caused me to smile, my hands travelled slowly down his chest and underneath his pants. "You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?" I smiled wickedly. "That's the thrill of it, baby!"

My hand continued to travel into his pants until they found his dick and squeezed hard, causing Enzo to hiss a little. "You wanna tease me, baby? I'm going to do the exact thing to you."

Slowly, I traced my fingers up and down his dick which left him squirming underneath my soft touch. "Please, Y/N. I'm sorry, please just do something else." A smart smile embraced my face as I lowered my mouth onto his hard dick and hollowed my cheeks out, slowly sucking and pumping into my wet mouth.

Enzo's head flew back in bliss as explicit moans and groans escaped my lips. "You're so big, Enzo. I wonder if I can fit all of you in?" A louder groan escaped his lips as his felt his tip touch the back of my throat. I sucked even hard before removing my mouth and slapping his dick lightly.

I climbed onto his lap and began kissing his neck. "Bite me, Enzo". He looked up at me, his eyes blackened with lust.

"Where?" I peel the neck of my shirt away from my body which left a large space of skin for Enzo to attack.

He did as he was told and sunk his teeth into my pale shoulder, I hiss a little as his teeth pierced my skin. "Harder." He bit down harder and I began to pant, an orgasm coming on slowly.

Enzo sensed this change and swapped me around, I was back up against the wall of the cubicle. He held both of my arms above my head as he slowly moved down your body towards the start of my jeans. Lightly tapping your clothed pussy, Enzo unzipped my jeans and pulled them down my legs, your underwear following suit.

"You smell so divine my dear." He licked a stripe, back to front, causing a loud groan to release from my body. "Your pussy tastes so sweet." His tongue then began to work its magic, entering in and out of me at a superhuman pace.

As I get closer to finishing, he swapped his tongue for his fingers and began to ride me through my orgasm as cum squirted all over his fingers. Enzo looks me dead in the eye and licked his fingers clean, one by one.

He got up to your eye level, leaned over and nibbled my ear lobe. "What do you say we carry this on at home, eh?" Enzo pulled up his pants and exited the bathroom, leaving me a giant bundle of nerves.

Should Bonnie and Enzo been endgame?

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