𝙶𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚃𝚎𝚡𝚝𝚜

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Damon: You up?

You: Yeah can't sleep. I don't understand why you couldn't stay the night.

Damon: You know why. We wouldn't be sleeping.
And I don't think Elena and Caroline would appreciate that.

You: Yeah I know but I wish you were here. I sleep better when I'm with you.

Damon: You have my clothes. That will do until tomorrow night.

You: I'll try. But no promises. I love you Damon.

Damon: I love you. Go to sleep and I'll be home
tomorrow morning.

You: Good night <3

Damon: Good night :*


You: When will you be home? :(

Klaus: Soon, love. I promise. I have some business to take care of.

You: I hate it when you're gone.

Klaus: I know but it's only for a few more days.

You: A few days to long.

Klaus: Go to bed, love. The days will past by fast.

You: I hope you're right. I love you.

Klaus: I love you. Now go to bed.


You: Enzo?

Enzo: Yes gorgeous?

You: Where did you go? I woke up and you were gone.

Enzo: I had to leave with Damon. We needed to patch up a few sore spots.

You: Are you in trouble?

Enzo: No. Don't worry about me. It's 2:00am, what are you doing up? You usually go to bed at 11.

You: I can't sleep without you. You make the nightmares go away.

Enzo: I'll be home soon. I love you.

You: And I you.


You: Kai?
You: Where are you?
You: Please answer me. I'm worried.
You: Whatever.
You: Okay if you're reading this, I love you. Please come home. You've been gone all day. It's time for bed and you're not with me. Are you in any kind of trouble? Please come home to me. I love you, Kai.
Kai: I love you.


You: Why aren't you home yet?

Kol: I am with Klaus in New Orleans. We had an issue.

You: Klaus got in trouble again?!

Kol: Hey! Klaus isn't ALL that bad. No, something happened with Hope.

You: Oh no! Is she alright?

Kol: Yeah, nothing to concern yourself with. Don't get your panties in a bunch.

You: When will you be home?

Kol: Soon. I'll be home when you wake up.

You: Okay be careful. I love you.

Kol: Right back at you ;) <3 :*


You: So I hear you're on a little trip with Caroline.

Stefan: Who told you? Babe, don't worry.

You: You know I don't like Caroline. What are you doing with her anyways?

Stefan: She needs to talk with doctors about her mom's condition. I am going to Duke to visit an old friend. Don't worry, she's family.

You: I know, Sarah. Well do you know when you'll be back? I miss you.

Stefan: In a couple of days. I miss you too.

You: Okay fine. Well I'm tired. I love you.

Stefan: I love you more.


Elijah: Darling, I'll be a little late...

You: How late?

Elijah: Just, like, 24 hours.

You: A day? Why??? :(

Elijah: There is something in New Orleans that requires my attention.

You: :( I'm sad now </3 I wanted to go to bed with you.

Elijah: I know you do, darling Just for tonight I will be absent.

You: Alright :( I love you, Elijah.

Elijah: As do I, my beloved.

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𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now