30 years

100 11 4

"Everyone eat these black eyed peas so we have good luck going into this next year."

"I don't like those." Gabriella makes a face.

"No these are good, I found the recipe on YouTube. Just eat them so we have good luck!" Jessica takes a spoonful and squeezes Gabriella's nose so she can force them in her mouth.

.. Hey these are pretty good! I'll take a whole bowl, please." Gabriella smiles.

"There's more on the stove. Danny.
  Where is he? Is he still playing that damn game?"

"Yep!" Emerson says as he stuffs his face.

"Daniel!" Jessica walks over to him.

"What? I'm busy!"

"You have to eat these."

"I. Am. Busyyyyy!"

"I bought you that for your room. Stop ignoring the family and turn it off!"

"You're mean!" Danny makes a face.

"Yeah, yeah. Eat your beans."


January 8th.

Jessica stretched out on her bed.  She then sat up and saw rose petals on the ground leading out the door.

She smiled grabbed her robe before quickly brushing her teeth and going downstairs.

The petals lead to the front door.
Jessica opened the door and saw Danny standing there holding a beautiful bouquet of roses.

She giggled and blushed a little. This is where it all started. Right here on the porch.

"Happy Anniversary, Babydoll."

Jessica takes the flowers and wraps her arms around him.

"Happy Anniversary, Danny Boy."

Danny kisses Jessica's lips softly.

Jessica slips him her tongue, and they felt butterflies in both their stomachs.

Jessica pulled away and smiled. "Thirty years married and you still make my heart skip a beat, Mr. Huston."

"Thirty years and you still make the little Danny stand up straight, Ms. Lange."

Jessica laughs and shakes her head. "You're disgusting."

"You love it." Danny pulls her closer.

Jessica scrunches her nose. "I do. I hate to admit it, but I do."

Danny smiles and kisses her once again.

Jessica then pulls away and smirks.
"Wanna stay the night?"

"Heh! Sure, why not?" Danny let's her go and walks straight in the house making Jessica laugh.


Later that day Gabriella and Anastasia were helping Jessica go through her closet.

"Here's the jewelry I wore on our wedding day."

"Oh wow mom, these are so beautiful." Anastasia smiles.

"Can I have them?" Gabriella asks.

"No! Little girl, must you take Everything you see?"


Jessica chuckles and nods her head.
"Girls, look! It's my wedding dress." Jessica smiles. "Oh boy was I tiny or what?"

"Can I put it on?!" Gabriella smiles.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now