My Puppy

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August 15th.

"Puppies! Puppies! Puppies! So many Puppies!" Willow giggles as the puppies lick her face.

"I wish you wouldn't get so attached to them, Lo. You know we have to give them away soon."

"But mommy Nooooo! They're my babies! I've named them!"

"And I told you not to, didn't I?"

"You're so mean! Don't listen to her, Scruffy, Scout, Fatty, Nattie, Pumpkin, Tootie, Sweetie, Bear Jr, Momo Jr, and Spot!"

"I thought you were naming one Mommy!"

"I'm not naming them after someone who hates them! I renamed Mommy, to Fatty!" Willow smirks.

"Willow, I don't hate them, honey. And that's mean!" Jessica pouts and pulls on her shirt.

"I love them Willow, but there are TEN! We already have Momo and Bear, plus Anastasia has Benji! Plus all of the babies in this house! Darling, it just isn't possible." Jessica nods.

"Yes it is!"

Just then one of the boy puppies runs to Jessica and licks her cheeks.

"Don't kiss her! She's mean!" Willow says.

"I am not!
.. Which ones this?"

"That's Spot.."

"Hi Spot!
.. Honey?"


"Why did you name him Spot? He's a golden retriever, he doesn't have spots. That's a silly name for him, baby."


"Okay, okay, I'm sorry! That's a cute name!" Jessica smiles and kisses him.

"Don't kiss my puppy."

"Willow, be nice, babe! Besides.. this little man is so so cute, I can't help but give him kishes!" Jessica baby talks.

Willow rolls her eyes.

"Aw Spot, you are so so cuddly! Aren't you, munchkin? Yes you are! Yes you are!" Jessica giggles.

"Oh brother!" Willow rolls her eyes once again.


That evening.

"Jess, are you really sleepy with that puppy?"

"His name is Spot. And yes, yes I am. What's it to ya?"

"You're getting attached." Danny hums.

"Yeah and so what? I'm gonna keep him!" Jessica smiles cutely.

"Oh you are?"

"Mhm! He's My puppy!"

"You're kinda cute, do you know that?"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now