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A few days later.

"Charlie, come over here please!  Nana's on her way to pick you up!  Charlotte?  Charlotte Rose!  Where are you?"

"Gramma I up here!  I here something!" Charlotte says with her ear pressed against Anastasia's door.

"What do you hear?"

"I hear a puppy dog!"

"It's Benji, Can you open the door?  Let him out if you can."

"I can't reach, I too little!  Oh wait!" Charlotte quickly finds something to stand on and opens the door.

"Ooooh!  GRAMMA!!!"

Jessica quickly runs up and gasps.

"Those doggies are playin a funny game!" Charlotte points and giggles.

"Who's dog is that?"

"It's in Auntie Ana's room!"

"Your auntie is in big trouble!
Benjamin! Get over here!" Jessica separates the dogs and takes Charlotte downstairs.

"Gramma, is auntie Ana really in trouble?"

"Yep! I'm gonna beat her ass."

"Oooh!" Charlotte laughs. "Beat her ass! Beat her ass!" She jumps up and down as she punches her little fists.

"No! Don't say that! I didn't mean to say that, I'm sorry! Don't say that word again, your mommy and daddy are gonna be mad at me."

"Okay.. Where is Nana taking me today?"

"To lunch while grandpa and I take the babies to the doctor."

"Do they need shots?"

"Yeah.. my poor babies." Jessica pouts.

"Oh no! I'll give them kisses before they go."

"Aw, you're so sweet, baby!"

"Yeah, I'm a really nice person, Gramma!"

"You are!" Jessica laughs.


After Sarah picked her up, Danny came home from running errands, and they were off to the doctor.

"Oh just so you know, Anastasia is gonna get an ass whoopin when she gets home."

"What did she do now?" Danny laughs.

"Charlotte found a dog in her room."

"You mean Benji?"

"Benji was there, but there was another one there with him."


"He had something that you and I have had maybe twice since the twins were born."

"Alright, Benjamin!  My man." Danny chuckles.

"Daniel, stop it.  Who's dog is it and why does she have it?"

"There's no telling with that girl!"

"She's been a pain right from birth, that one!"

"Not my Princess!"

"Oh geez!" Jessica chuckles.


The twins sat on their parents lap in the waiting room playing and chewing on their toy. Once being called back their attitudes changed.  They weren't screaming, but they did not want to be touched by the nurse or doctor.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now