You and Me

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"Mom, it's you and dad! I mean you two love each other! I've never seen anyone love each other more than you guys."

"We're not perfect, Noah."

"You guys can't get divorced."

Jessica sighs. "I need to have time to think."

"In your father's defense." Sarah says earning a look from Jessica.

"He was high and he had some drinks in him. Sober Danny wouldn't have done this."

"Since when does Danny get high and go out to parties during a pandemic when I tell him not to? Or do movies with horribly graphic sex scenes? I feel like I don't even know this man!"

"I think you two need to speak."

"I don't want to look at him Sarah! I don't want to speak to him. I need some time to think! Jesus Christ, I am the one who got cheated on so it's my decision, and mine only!"

Just then the triplets run in butt naked and giggling.

"Hey what are you three doing?" Jessica chuckles through her tears.

Emily comes running in. "I'm so sorry! You three get back in the bathroom so we can change you!"

"We take a bath gamma!" Hunter smiles and sits his wet bottom in Jessica's lap.

"I see that, mister! Why don't you guys listen to your mommy?"

"No tanks!" Jessie smiles.

Jessica chuckles and kisses her cheek.

"Oh no! Gamma sad!" Harvey pouts and holds Jessica's cheeks.

"I'm okay, handsome."

"No you so saaaad.. I make it all better." Harvey kisses her lips.

"Muah! That does make me feel better, baby love."

"I so sweet Gamma."

"The sweetest, cutie pie. Now go get some clothes on!" Jessica pats his bottom making him laugh.

"Go with daddy, guys." Emily says.

"DADDY!" The triplets run out of the room.

Jessica smiles softly, but there was a sadness in her eyes.

"Are you okay, Jessie?" Emily asks.

Jessica nods her head. "I'm fine, sweetie. Thank you."

"Alright. I'm gonna hug you because you look like you need one."

Jessica smiles and wraps her arms around her daughter in law. "Thank you, sweetie."

Emily leaves and everyone sat in silence.

"Mom, I support you in whatever decision you make. I don't know what I would do in your situation, and.. as sad as I am, and as angry as I am with daddy.. I just don't want to think about you guys getting a divorce." Gabriella says.

"I don't either.."


Three days later.

Danny laid on the Peters' couch. He hadn't shaved or showered in days.

"Danny? You know we love you, right?" Sarah says.


"You're stinking up my house, Dan! Come on, if you want Jessica back, this isn't the way to do it."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now