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October 17th.

This morning Jessica is up bright and early. Both twins had already been nursed and changed into fresh diapers.

"Alright you two sit here and play while mommy makes breakfast."

Jessica has recently started to teach the babies how to sign, so Emerson looked up to his mother and sighted 'Food'.

"Em honey, you just ate."

Emerson groans and bangs his little hand into his lips even harder.

"I get it, you're hungry! But momma has six big babies to feed right now.  You just ate, so you're okay.  Now play with sissy."

"Ma.. Maaa.." Willow says as she also signs for food.

"Mama!  You said mama!  Good girl!"

Willow narrows her brows and continues signing.

"What is wrong with you two?  Keep this up and mama won't be able to lift you guys up anymore!"

Finally the kids played on their mat and let their mother make some breakfast.


"Oh good morning, Gabby!  I'm making a big breakfast, so sit and I'll serve you." Jessica smiles.

"Oh thank you!"

Gabriella let's out a sigh as she relaxes onto the chair.

"How do you feel, almost birthday girl?"

"Well I'd feel better if William wasn't jamming his feet into my bladder at all times."

"Oh my poor baby." Jessica pouts.

"Yeah.. so what time is Zay getting in?"

"Two!  I'm so excited to see him!  My sweet sweet boy!" Jessica smiles.

"Ma, Don't let him visiting take from my birthday!"

"Oh Gabby!  Just try to be nice, honey."

"Oh I'm very nice, mom!"

Jessica scoffs.


"Jesus, don't scream!"

At this time everyone was coming down for breakfast.

"I hope everyone received the lists I sent!" Gabriella says.

"I got it.  I trashed it." Anastasia says with zero emotion.

"Anastasia, don't be like that!  I want what is on that list, and nothing for the baby!
.. That's what baby showers are for."

"How did such a brat come out of such a sweet little body?" Jessica asks.

Danny and the kids just stare at her without saying a word.


"We're talking about you and Gabby, right?" Noah asks.


"You're not always sweet, momma.." He responds.

"I am!  Gabby got this from your grandma Huston.  May she Rest In peace."

"My mom was hateful, yes!  But you and Gabriella are.. well.. you're not exactly- *Sighs* you're bitches, Jess."

"What?!  I'm nice!"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now