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"My daddy.. oh no.. Danny, what happened?"

"George said he went in his sleep."

"My dad is gone, Danny." Jessica looks at him with tears in her eyes.

"We have to go! We have to get there before they take him.  Will you get the twins ready?"

"Of course. Do you need help?"

"No, I'm fine. Just get them ready, please."

"I will."

Danny then walks around the bed and wraps his arms around her. "I love you, baby. I'm so sorry."

Jessica buries her face in Danny's chest and sobs.
"He was okay at the baby shower, Danny!"

"I know.."

"I feel like I didn't even get to say goodbye to him. I know I said bye but.. I didn't say Goodbye to him."


"Where are you guys off to?" Isaiah asks.

Jessica takes a deep breath and says, "Zaya.. last night grandpa Al passed away."

"What? Oh my gosh, no! What happened?"

"He passed in his sleep, I don't know.. I—" Jessica then breaks down.

Isaiah wraps his arms around his mother and kisses the top of her head.

"Where are you going now?"

"To see him."

"Well let Em and I watch the twins. We'll just meet you there later on."

"Thank you, baby. I need to call Gabby. Aw, and she just had a baby!" Jessica cries.

"Aw mom.."

"He didn't suffer and that brings me comfort.
..My dad hasn't been in his right mind for years.. now he knows. He remembers all the things he forgot.." suddenly Jessica gasps. "Oh my gosh!"


Jessica looks down and cries even more.
"Just last week when I went over.. Well first he asked how the fuck I was pregnant again at my age." Jessica chuckles softly.

"Then when I told him they were your babies and he freaked the hell out.. man, telling him never got old." She cries.

"And then.. then he brought up the past. A time I didn't even think he remembered.. he brought up my childhood.. he apologized for everything. I told him I forgave him a long time ago and not to worry about it.. he said he knew but that he wanted to tell me anyway.. and that he loves me.." Jessica's voice became even more shaky. "It's like he knew.."


When arriving at her parents house, Jessica was glad to find out they had yet to come for her father.

She immediately went to his room and sat in front of his bed, holding his hand.

"Daddy.. oh daddy, I love you so much. I know you're happy and finally at peace.. so that makes me happy." She smiles softly.

"But I'm gonna miss you so much..
I'm sad you didn't get to meet your four new great grandchildren. Lucy and.. well Isaiah and Emily haven't told me what the triplets names are yet." She chuckles.

Jessica then places her father's hand on her belly and in a tearful whisper she says, "Watch over them, daddy.. and help me through this birth. I'm terrified." She then kisses his cheek and softly caressed his skin.


Jessica and Danny have now been at her parents' house for a few hours. They have decided to have the funeral as soon as possible since a bad storm is coming this weekend.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now