Two Dummies

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June 26th.
Anastasia's POV.

"Annabelle, guess what today is, momma."

Annabelle smiles and bounces up and down in her crib.

"It's daddy's birthday!  He's an old man today!"

Annabelle furrows her brows.

"Okay, I'm sorry!  I was just playing!" Anastasia laughs. "He's thirty today, Anna.  He may not be old, but he's older than mommy!  Annabelle, your momma was a bad girl!  You won't be like that.  You're gonna be an angel, aren't you?"

Annabelle giggles.

"Yeah, who am I kidding?  You're gonna be a terror!
Anyway, I was eighteen when we met.... daddy was twenty six!  Fine it was legal, but I was just a baby!  Oh but I thought he was so handsome." Anastasia smiles. "Plus I was a wild child.  I knew your grandparents would disapprove so that only made it more fun!" She laughs.

"I slept with your daddy the night we first met.  It was aunt Gabby's birthday.. I was drunk and.. well.. you know!"

Just then Ashton walks in. "What in the world are you telling our daughter, Anastasia?" He laughs.

Anastasia smiles. "Just a story about two dummies.  Happy Birthday!"

Ashton smiles, kisses Anastasia's cheek, then takes the baby.
"Thank you!  Hey baby girl!"

Annabella was such a daddy's girl.  She giggled at the feeling of his kisses on her chubby little rolls.

"Say Happy Birthday, Dada!" Anastasia says with a smile.

Annabelle babbles.

"Aw, thank you, little monster."

"She's so cute.
  So Ash, I know there isn't much to do these days but, what do you wanna do?"

"Would you feel comfortable going to the park and just having a little walk?  Just the three of us."

"Sure!  But first, little miss stinky needs out of this diaper, and into some fresh clothes!" Anastasia baby talks, taking the baby back.


At the park.

At the park

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