You're nuts

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"Baby, look at your belly! Still tiny, but you've grown quite a lot!" Jessica says stroking her belly.

"I feel so huge!"

"Ohh you're not!" Jessica laughs.

"I know, a picture popped up on my Facebook from when you were pregnant with the twins. I could have it so much worse."

Jessica gives her a look and says, "Yeah, you could be like your fat cow of a mother. Thanks Gabs!"

"I didn't call you that."

Jessica sighs and looks down to Emerson who was finished eating.

"Are you full, chubby?"

Emerson pushes himself up on Jessica's chest and studies her face.

"What?" Jessica laughs.

He then pokes his tiny finger into her eye.

"Ow! What was that for?" She laughs.

He giggles and tries sticking his hand in her mouth.

"Stop it, silly boy!"

Danny walks over and takes him from Jessica.
At this point Willow was finished as well. Jessica sat her down on the ground and covered herself up.

"Is this my future?" Gabriella asks staring down at her mother's chest.


"Full yet saggy boobs?"

"You know, you are just a big ol' bucket of sunshine, you little bitch."

Danny laughs at his wife's comment as he tosses Emerson playfully.

"Daniel, stop that he's gonna get sick on you."

"He's okay! Aren't ya, buddy?"

Emerson giggles then immediately gets sick all over his father.

"What'd I say?" Jessica asks.

"Awe man! This is sick!"

"How do you think I feel? He just threw up what he ate and now he's gonna want to be fed again!"

Danny gags. "Oh Jess, I can't!  Here, take him!" Danny sticks him in her face.

"Daddy Nooo!  Oh I'm gonna be sick!" Gabriella covers her mouth.

"Stop it you two, it's just baby spit up!"

"He had peas, it's green!" Danny gags.

"Oh gosh!" Jessica rolls her eyes and stands up.

"It's okay baby, mama's gonna clean you up.  Forget about your mean old daddy and sister!"

"I hate puke!" Gabriella shouts.

Jessica cleans the baby's mouth and takes his dirty shirt off leaving him in just a diaper.
She then giggles and tickles his chubby belly.

"Look at this tummy! Look at this chubby little tummy!" She says in a high out he's voice.

Emerson giggles then pats his stomach.

"You are so precious!" Jessica kisses the top of his head.

"You are so precious!" Jessica kisses the top of his head

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