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Once the twins were inside, Danny went back to help Jessica out of the van.

"Ready to run, momma?" He asks.

"Yeah." Jessica smiles and reaches out for him.

"Oh no, I may need backup!  I may need backup!" Danny jokes.

"Shut up you ass!" Jessica laughs.

Once they are in the house Jessica looks around and sees all of her family there.

"What the hell is everyone doing here?"

"Well hello to you too, mom!" Gabriella says.

"I mean I love y'all, but what the hell are you doing here?"

"The hurricane is coming!" Anastasia shouts.

"What?  There's no hurricane!"

"There is!  Bad weather turned tropical storm, turned hurricane!  We're all here because you have the biggest house.. and best snacks." She smiles.

"Oh great.."

"Is it really a hurricane?" Danny asks.

"Yep!  It's been named!  Hurricane Harvey."

"I think you're lying." Jessica says.

"Mom, it's all over the news!" Isaiah says.

"Oh.. well let me change into some comfy pj's.  All these people in my house, Someone is making me some dinner!"


Two hours later.

"Mommy, the door!  Someone's at the door!" Willow says.

"I'm coming, baby." Jessica walks over and opens the door.

"Hey George!  What are you doing here?"

"Hurricane party!  You have the biggest house!"

"So I've heard." She says as George walks in.

"Come on in, I don't mind."


"Ooh Isaiah, this is spicy!  What the hell did you put in this?!" Danny asks.  His eyes wide and his forehead sweaty.

Jessica sat beside him eating the exact same thing, watching him react totally different.

"You're such a girl." She says to him.

"Jess, this is spicy!"

Jessica takes another bite and makes a face at him.
"You're over reacting."

"Hahaha!  Grandpa, you're a little girl!" Charlotte laughs and points.

"Oh great!  Thanks, Jess!"

"Any time, honey." She smiles.


After dinner Jessica wasn't feeling too great.

She sat up a little and held the side of her belly.
"Ooh!  Maybe spicy food wasn't the best decision."

"What's wrong?" George asks.

"The babies are just super wild, my stomach kinda hurts, and I have really bad heartburn.  But I guess I always have that."

"Because they have so much have hair!" Emily smiles.

"Yep!  And that doesn't surprise me.  Isaiah had so much dark hair at birth!" Just then Jessica gets a contraction.  "Ah.." She breathes deeply.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now