Best Oops Ever

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"Are you ready for the park today, baby?"

"Am I ready to walk many many miles in fucking hill country?  Oh yes, I might piss my pants with excitement."

"There she is!  Now you sound like my Jessie!" Danny smiles.

Jessica rolls her eyes.
"I am excited for my little Charlie though. She's been looking forward to the park!"

"She has." Danny smiles.

"Honey, why don't you put your swimsuit on now and just wear some shorts. Maybe you'll be more comfortable in that."

"You don't know anything do you?! My shorts cut into my belly, I'm way past that, honey!"

"Oh.. Sorry, just trying to help."

"I'm gonna go in this maxi dress that makes me look as big as a house, and I'll pack my swimsuit in the bag that you're going to carry."

"Sounds good!" Danny smiles.


"Gwamma! Gwamma! You look so pwetty!"

"Aw thank you baby girl!"

"How are my babies?" Charlotte asks.

"They're doing great, sweet pea. Thank you for asking!"

"Can I kiss Emerson and Willow please?"

"Sure!" Jessica chuckles.

"Grandpa, she wants kisses!"

"Aw my little princess!" Danny picks her up and kisses her cheeks.

"Not you gwampa! Da babies!"

"Oh.. Sorry."

Jessica giggles.
"I'll give you kisses, grampy."

"Thanks, grandma!" He smiles and pecks her lips.

"Okay!  Who's ready to have some fun?!" Sarah says cheerfully.

"Me! Me!" Charlotte kicks her legs and lifts her arms.

"Well let's go!"


"Babe, go get me a pretzel, please."


"And get me a coke!"

"Baby, you know you can't have caffeine.  You're pregnant!"

"Get. Me. A COKE!"

"Yes ma'am!"

Isaiah walks over and sits beside Jessica.
"Hi momma!" He smiles.

"Hi baby!  Are you having fun?"

"Yeah.  How are you feeling today?"

"Okay.. I'm just a little tired.  I didn't sleep at all last night!"


"It's just getting hard with the babies.  I can't get comfortable and they move like crazy!  I can tell these two are gonna be little night owls." Jessica says placing her hand on her belly.

"Heh!  It's crazy that you're having twins!  I'm gonna have siblings that are babies!"

"It's weird, huh?"

"Yeah but also really cool.
.. can I?  Or is that weird?" Isaiah points to her stomach.

"Weird to touch my belly?  No of course not!" Jessica laughs and grabs his hand then places it on her stomach.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now