The Huston kids

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Gabriella's 25th Birthday.

"Can you believe I'm old enough to have a twenty five year old? Do I look old enough to have a twenty five year old?" Jessica asks Danny.

"I don't!"

Jessica laughs. "Danny, we have kids ranging from the ages of two to twenty five! Are we insane?"

"Yep! Always have been!" Danny chuckles.

They then hear Gabriella in the hall.

"Momma!  Daddy!  The birthday girl is here!"

"My baby's here!" Jessica runs to hug her daughter.

"Happy Birthday, Baby!"

"Thanks, momma!"

"I can't believe twenty five years ago I held you in my arms for the first time."

Gabriella smiles.

"Remember when you were having contractions so we all went to Walmart?  Then your water still wasn't breaking after hours of walking around, so you and I were gonna have sex in the bathroom, but before it happened, your water broke?" Danny walks over.

"Oh that's horrible!" Gabriella makes a face.

"Gabby, I was desperate!"

"No!  Walmart?  Really, mom?"

"Don't hate." Jessica gives her attitude.

"Whatever!  So the plan for today is lunch at home... Daddy of course will make my favorite." Gabriella smiles sweetly to her father.

"And tonight! The Huston kids will take New Orleans! Which reminds me, will you guys please watch William for us?" Gabriella asks her parents.

"Ooh! And Charlotte?" Noah adds.

"Of course!" Jessica smiles.

"Ready for baby duty tonight, daddy?" Jessica playfully elbows Danny in his side.

Danny sighs. "Is hell an option?"

"Stop it!" Jessica laughs.


That evening.

"Man, this boy is such a good baby!" Jessica says watching William play with/eat his toys.

"I know..
You know, it's really not fair that Gabby was one of our wild ones and ended up with a sweetheart.  Then we have Noah who was extremely sweet, and he has the clone of Gabby."

"That's exactly what I was thinking!" Jessica laughs.


"Uh oh!" William looks at him grandmother with slightly widened eyes.

"What are they getting into?" Jessica asks.

Danny walks over to see what fell.

"You guys!" He shouts.

"Who did this?"

Charlotte and the twins stood there and pointed to each other.

"What broke?" Jessica asks from the next room.

"You know that vase your great aunt Linda gave us at our wedding almost twenty six years ago?"

"What?!  No!"

"It was the glass jar beside that."

"Oh Daniel!" Jessica groans.

"Kids, go with your mom."

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