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Danny sat beside Jessica staring down at their two new little babies.

"Their first nun nums!
.. Man.. I thought this part of my life was long gone." Jessica laughs.

"I know, now I have to share them again!"

"Oh gosh!" Jessica rolls her eyes.

"Daniel, you have no idea how happy I am that you got that vasectomy!  I can now officially say that I will never be pregnant again!"

"Congratulations, Babydoll." Danny smiles.

Jessica laughs and Danny kisses her forehead.

Jessica then looks down to the babies.
"My goodness, these two are so heavy!"

"They're like two sacks of potatoes."

"Daniel!" She laughs.

"I think they're finished.  Here, will you burp one, please?"

"Sure!  Emmy, my man!  Get over here!"

Danny takes him from Jessica and he cries a bit.
"Aw he wants his mama!" Jessica baby talks.

"You're okay, handsome!"

"Yeah, you're fine, buddy!" Danny gently bounces him.

Jessica closed her robe and began burping Willow.

"This is crazy!  We have two little babies!  Are we fucking nuts?" Jessica laughs.

"I'm afraid we might just be!" Danny chuckles.


Their first night with the twins was as insane as they expected.  Thankfully Danny and Jessica have always made a great team.

"Honey, Willow needs a diaper, let's switch."

"Uh oh! Stinky booty!" Danny baby talks as they make their switch.

"Come to mama, my handsome boy!"

Emerson looks up to his mother and stares into her eyes.

"You're makin mama's heart melt, little man."

Emerson kicks his legs against his mother's stomach.

"This is exactly how you moved in my belly! I think you just can't wait to run around, huh? You're ready to work those chubby legs!"

Jessica smiles and kisses him on the forehead.

"Oh man, you're only hours old, Lo Lo!
Who is this bum bum so stinky winky?"

Willow kicks her legs and cries.

"Oh daddy's sorry!" Danny baby talks as he leans forward and kisses her cheek.

He finishes up and takes her to the bed.

"Jess, these babies have thunder thighs!" He chuckles.

"I know! Aren't they cute?" Jessica giggles.

"Mhm!" He says staring down at his brand new baby girl.

Jessica looks at Danny and smiles softly.

"You're amazing, beautiful."

"I know."

Danny laughs and kisses her lips.


The next morning.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now