Your Husband

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Two days later.


Jessica slowly opens her eyes and rolls over.  Jessica felt like she had been beaten.  Her body ached so badly.  She had chills, and a pounding headache.

"What Willow?"

"I threw up."

"Oh baby.  You should have woke me up.  Are you okay?"

"Yes.  I didn't make it to the toilet though,"

"Oh no.."

"I threw up in the laundry bin."

"Ohhh." Jessica lays down and whines.

"I'm sorry, mommy."

"It's okay, sweetie.  Go take a shower and I'll clean it up."


"Yes baby?"

"You look really bad."

"I know.  Go shower please."


Jessica walks down the hall and is stopped by her granddaughter.

"Gamma!" Jessie cries and rubs her eye.

"Precious, what's wrong?" Jessica lifts her up. "Oh gosh you're burning up.  Come on, let's strip you down and try to break this fever."

"I shiiiiick!"

"I know, baby.  I'm so sorry."

Jessie clung to her grandmother and cried.  Jessica's heart broke for her.

"I want my dada!"

"I'm so sorry, honey."

"He not lub me?"

"Jessica!  He does love you, baby!  He just can't be around us because we're sick."

"I no wanna be shick!"

"I know.  I don't want you to be sick either."

Taking care of two sick girls while being sick herself took a lot out of Jessica. Each day they spent fighting this virus she hated Danny just a little bit more.


Later that day Sarah called.


"Hey Jess.  How are y'all feeling?"

Jessica sighs and just starts crying.

"Oh Jess, that bad?"

"I'm so tired.  And I'm so frustrated!"

"I wish I could go help you out."

"Thank you."

"Any word from Danny?"

"Not since I hung up on him two days ago."


"What, Sarah?"

"He's your husband."

"Don't remind me."

"Jessica, come on!  You love him!"

"He had sex with another woman, Sarah!  Christ, I'm the bad one?"

"I'm not saying that, but he's sick.  Don't you want to know how he's doing?"

Jessica stays silent.

"Well I want to know."

"Then call him.  I don't care."

"Jessica Huston!"

"I have to go, Sarah.  I've gotta check on the girls."

"Okay.  Love you.  Y'all get better!"

"We're trying.  Love you too."


"Mommy, this soup is gross!"

"Well I'm sorry but I can't taste it, so I can't tell what it needs."

"It needs flavor!"

"Then I guess you've lost your taste too.  Jessie, is your soup good?"


Jessica sighs. "Well it has stuff in it that will help us feel better, so let's eat up."

Just then Jessica's cell phone rings.  She sighs and answers it.


"Hello.  May I speak to Mrs. Huston."

"Speaking.  Who is this?"

"I am Doctor Rigalo.  I have been treating your husband."

"Treating my husband?"

"Yes, since he's been in the hospital.  Haven't you been receiving calls?"


"Oh!  I'm sorry."

"Tell me.. what's going on with him?" Jessica says standing.

"Stay here, girls.  I'll be right back."

"Well I just few questions for you.  First I'll let you know that your husband has been put on a ventilator."

"He what?  No one called!" Jessica started to feel very light headed. "Why didn't anyone call!!"

"I apologize, ma'am.  I will speak to his nurse."

"Is he okay?  Is.. is.. will he survive this?" Jessica says beginning to cry.

"He's stable.  I do need to know if at anytime his heart stops, would you like for us to resuscitate him?  We've asked him, but it's policy we ask the spouse at a time like this."

"Yes!  Do everything you can to help him!  I.. I don't understand this."

"I apologize, ma'am.  We are doing everything we can."

Jessica suddenly saw her entire life with Danny.  The good and the moments.  Jessica's chest tightened and her knees went weak.

Willow heard a thud and ran to her mother.

"MOMMY!" Willow screamed and grabbed the phone to call the house.

"Pick up!  Pick up!" She says as the phone continues ringing.

"Hello?" Isaiah answers.


Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now