Little actress

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The next morning.

Danny was sleeping peacefully on his back underneath the covers, while Jessica slept on her belly, butt naked, right on top of him.

It was late and Noah and Kenley had been watching the twins all morning.
Gabriella had come over with the baby before heading off to the studio, and she was not very happy with her parents.

"Gabby, I'd knock first, it may not be a pretty sight." Noah says feeling his stomach turn as he thinks about the horrible noises he heard the night before.

"I'm going on!  This is ridiculous!  They are two old people with little babies and they should not be acting like this!  I mean look at you two!  Babies yourselves taking care of these two extra little devils!"

"Hey!  Don't call my babies that, auntie Gabby!" Charlotte makes a face and points her finger at her, milk dribbling down her mouth from her cereal.

Gabriella leaves the baby in his carrier and marches upstairs.  She lets herself in and walks over to the bed.

"WAKE UP!" She shouts.

There was no response.

"WAKE UP!" She says hitting Jessica.

"No Danny, not now.  I'm not in the mood!" Jessica mumbles with a groan.

"That's disgusting!  It's me, wake up!"

"Gabby?  Get out of here!"

"You two are not twenty years old anymore!  You have two little babies that need you and you guys are in bed like slobs!"

"Wha- Oh no!  My milk!  I'm leaking!" Jessica whines.

"Oh I just thought you were drooling." Danny says, his eyes still shut.

"It's all mixed!" Jessica continues whining.

"You two are gross!"

"Gabby, I'm naked!  Get out!"

"Oh please!  I've seen you spread your legs and push two oversized babies out of your body.  I've seen your vagina and your asshole become One after Willow was born!  Trust me, your bare ass doesn't scare me, Mamacita."

Jessica rolls her eyes.

"Just promise me one thing?"

"What!" Jessica snaps.

"Do some squats, mom!  That moon has set!"


"Get up and tend to your children!" Gabriella yells back.

She then walks out and slams the door behind her.

Jessica pouts and looks at Danny. "She hurt my feeling!" She whines.

"No whining until after you brush your teeth, babe." Danny rubs his eyes.

Jessica makes a face, hits his chest and storms off to the bathroom.



Danny, Jessica, the twins, Anastasia and Noah and his family are all heading off to LA so Jessica can begin filming American horror story.

"I wish all my babies were with me." Jessica walked over to Danny with a pout.

"Gabriella had the Nerve to go back to New York while I'm Here! She did that shit on purpose because she knows I'd tell her to stay! She's over there Jetè-ing her ass all around New York and where's my baby gonna be?!"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now