Mama Mia Pizza Pie

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A little after the baby was born, Jessica and Anastasia left the room to give the new parents some space.

"Danny, he's here!  We have a grandson!" Jessica ran out to her husband.

"He's here?!"

"Yes!  Oh he's so cute!  I think he looks like Gabby, but that's just me!" Jessica giggles.

"Oh wow.. our little Gabby."

"Aw Honey, are you crying?"

"She's me baby." Danny smiles with tears.

Jessica wipes his cheeks with her thumbs and pecks his lips.

"You are such a sweet Pop."

"Thanks.. you're a sweet Lolli."

"Thanks." Jessica giggles.


After the baby was fed and he and Gabriella were cleaned up, Danny went in to see his baby girl.
As soon as Gabriella saw her father a big beautiful smile spread across her face.

"Hi daddy!"

"Princess! Look what you did!" He chuckles.

"I know! I'm a badass now!"

"Yes you are.." Danny places a kiss on her forehead then looks down to his grandson.

"Hey Buddy! Wow.. he looks like you." He chuckles.

"He's cute, isn't he?"

"He is!"

"He's the most precious little baby I've ever seen.." Gabriella smiled down to her brand new baby boy.


"What, daddy?" Gabriella looks up.

"My baby girl's a mom!"

"Heh! Oh daddy, don't cry!" Gabriella takes his hand.

Danny kisses the back of her hand and smiles.

"I'm very proud of you, sweetheart."

"Thanks.. I'm proud of me too!" She laughs.

Just then they hear a high pitched voice coming down the hall.

"I wanna see the baby! Daddy, you need to tell them to let me in!"

"She is so loud!" Jessica laughs.

"She is! Let her in, momma. Please!"

Jessica walks over and opens the door. "Charlotte!"

"Yes, grandma?" Charlotte turns towards Jessica.

"You can come in, honey!"

"Oh yay! Come on, daddy! Let's go see the baby!"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now