Ballerina Girl

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Finally right before midnight Danny and Jessica surprised Anastasia with her brand new car.
She jumped, screamed and hugged her parents as tight as she could.  She was beyond excited.

"Thank you, mom!  Thank you, daddy!  Ahhh!  I have a car!"

"Now don't go crazy, and don't be a little hoe and drive to boys houses, Ana!" Gabriella says.

"Awe come on, Gabs!  I'm not like you!"

"Very funny, little sister!" Gabriella laughs and gives her a hug.


It was well past midnight and Danny and Jessica were out on the dance floor with the twins. "I cannot believe they're still awake!" Danny says holding Willow in his arms.

"Really?  One o'clock is their party time, baby!"

Danny laughs. "That's true.  Man, they're gonna sleep good tonight!"

Jessica nods her head with exhaustion in her eyes as she bounces Emerson.

"Looks like you will too!" Danny laughs.

"Yep!  Definitely, I'm SO tired!"

"I bet!  So.. next up is our little Gabby's wedding.."

"Yeah!  Crazy, isn't it?"

"I'm not ready, Jess."

"You're not?" Jessica chuckles.

"I don't want to give my little baby girl away." He pouts.

"Aw, Danny!"

"And then she's back to New York.. Jess, I'm proud of her, you know I am.. but I've gotten used to having her home."

"I know.. Me too." Jessica looks at him with a sad expression.

"I want all of my kids home with us!  I don't want them to ever grow up!"

"I know how you feel.  It's crazy to think we have four grown kids.. then these two chunks." Jessica says looking down and kissing the top of the baby's head.

"I know!" Danny chuckles. "We'll never be lonely." He smiles.




"Okay babies.  Say happy birthday, Mama!" Danny says laying the babies right on top of Jessica as she sleeps.

"Wake up, mama!  Wake her up, guys!"

Emerson smacks her stomach then tries biting it with his toothless little mouth.
Willow babbles and hits her thighs.

"Are you giving her a birthday beating?  You naughty babies!" Danny laughs.

"Should daddy try?" He asks looking at the twins that were looking to him as if they're actually asking for help.

Danny then kisses her cheek a few times and mumbles, "Wakey wakey, princess."


"Happy Birthday!" He smiles.

"Thank you, honey.  Oh.. I have babies on me!" She chuckles.

"They wanted to say happy birthday to mommy!"

"Oh, thank you, babies!"

"They're also starving.  Emmy keeps banging his face into your stomach and I think he's looking for a nipple.

Jessica laughs and sits up to feed them.
"Mama's coming, babies."

Once Jessica gets situated Danny sits beside her and looks down at the babies.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now