Just like Auntie Gabby

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20 weeks.

"Danny come here!" Jessica shouts.

"What's wrong?"

"They're moving come feel!"

Danny has yet to feel the babies move so he rushed over and places his hand on her belly.

"Feel it?" Jessica smiles.

"Yeah!  Wow!  Hi guys!  What are you doing in there?"

"I think they're wrestling!" Jessica giggles.

"Feels like it!  Be careful in there you two goons!
You're halfway there, Babydoll!"

"I know!  We have to start working on their nursery ASAP!"

"Noah's old room?"

"Yeah that's what I was thinking."

"We'll have to start on that so it's finished and ready for their arrival."

"Mhm oh and Danny, I've made my decision." Jessica takes a deep breath then continues.

"I do want to have another home birth."

"Are you sure?  I mean there's gonna be two babies coming out of there, hun."

"I know but.. I want to do it.  I like being home!  Plus I've had all of my other babies here.. except for Isaiah.  Besides, the doctor said me and the babies are doing really well!"

"What about a birthing center?  They're not going to be as controlling as a hospital but they're closer to one just in case anything goes wrong."

"Danny please.  This is my body and it's my decision."

"Alright.. well if that's what you want then I'll of course support you a hundred percent."

"Thank you." Jessica smiles sweetly.

"Sorry to interrupt!" Gabriella let's herself in.

"Oh my gosh!  Gabriella, I hope one day you walk in and one of us is naked, I really do!  Maybe then you'll learn to knock!" Jessica says.

"Sorry!  Momma, I have some wedding stuff I need your help with."

"Ooh!  Wedding planning, how exciting!  My baby girl is getting married!" Jessica tears up.

"I know!  I'm so happy for me!"

"Heh!  You're gonna be so gorgeous!"

"I know!  So the plan was winter wonderland type of theme but at that time you'll be big as a house and ready to squeeze out two little although from the looks of it, HUGE babies!" Gabriella says rubbing her mother's belly.

Jessica looks down and places her hand on her belly as she pouts.

"We have decided that spring will work better for us! That gives you some time to lose the baby weight." Gabriella smiles.

Jessica purses her lips and gives her a look that could kill.

"What's that look for, Mamacita?"

"I'm just thinking.."

"About what?"

"If I should kick your ass before or after lunch."

Gabriella laughs and continues talking about the wedding.


After lunch Danny and Jessica went baby shopping.
The two girls tagged along as well.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now