I Need You Now

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The boys and Danny loaded all of the babies gifts into the car.  Jessica sat down watching Danny began to sweat as he walked back in forth in the New Orleans heat.
Jessica bit her bottom lip and softly stroked her belly.

"Mom.. why are you looking at daddy like that?" Anastasia asks.

"Daddy.." She giggles.



"Why are you drooling all over him, it's disgusting."

"Doing worry about it, Ana.  Go on now." Jessica shoos her away.

"Oh Wait!  Before you do that, help me up please!" Jessica lifts her hand.

"Okay.. One, two.. three!" Anastasia says before pulling her up with a little difficulty.

"Ah.. thanks, baby."
Jessica takes a deep breath then waddles over to Danny.

"You officially walk like a pregnant lady, Jess!" Sarah laughs.

"She's been like that for months!  It's just really bad now!" Anastasia laughs.

Jessica ignores everyone talking behind her and continues walking.

"Hey daddy." Jessica smiles.

"Hey baby.  You need something?"

"Yeah.  You." Jessica smiles.

"That's nice, baby girl." Danny says lifting a box up.

"Ooof!  Daniel, those muscles!  Ooh baby, I need you now!"

Danny chuckles.

"Danny, I'm serious!  I need you!  I need you so bad it hurts!"

"Wow." Danny stops and turns to her.

"It's been a while since you needed me that bad!  It's been a while since you've even wanted me at all!"

"Danny, we need to leave.  NOW!"

"Okay, okay!  Let me just hurry up and get the rest of this in the van!"

Jessica stands there watching Danny as the fire between her legs grows stronger and stronger.

"Oh God!" Jessica moans.


"Did you start without me, babe?" Danny says referring to her moans.

"Please hurry!" She whimpers.

"What's wrong, mom?" Gabriella walks over and places her arm around her mother, still completely unaware of what's going on.

"I want your dad to hurry so we can go home and have sex."

"Ew!" Gabriella instantly removes her arm from Jessica.

"You don't understand!  When you're pregnant there are some moments you need it so bad!  It's like someone turned a hot faucet on in your pus-"

"Mom, I beg you not to finish that sentence!
Oh God!  Mommy, why?!"

"Because I'm horny and I don't care!" She says as Noah walks passes her with Charlotte.

"That's exactly what you want to hear your mother and grandmother say.  Come on Charlotte.. let's go.. rip our ears off."

"I'm sorry if it's too much but I don't care!  Danny enough!  Come on, let's go have sex!" Jessica marches over and grabs his hand before she drags him to the car.

"Well I guess we're not going home!  Anyone else wanna go get drunk or blow your brains out?" Gabriella asks.

Isaiah walks over having missed the entire conversation and says, "Guys, I'm heading home."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now