Midlife crisis

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Isaiah's 18th Birthday.

"Happy Birthday, Isaiah!"

"Thanks, dad!"

"Eighteen. My baby boy.. Happy Birthday, handsome!"

"Thank you, momma." Isaiah smiles.

"What do you have planned today? Can we take you out for dinner?"

"Of course! Can Emily come?"

"Yeah! Oh it'll be so much fun!" Jessica jumps.

"Great! So Gabby will have Julio, Zaya will have Emily, Noah will have Kenley, and I'll have no one!"

"That's not true! You have me and your mother." Danny smiles.

Anastasia makes a face.

"You're way too young to have a boyfriend, little girl."

"Noah ruined it for me, you're never gonna let me date!"

"Good girl, at least you know." Danny smiles.


"Hi Charlie! Look at how big she's getting! How old is she now?" Emily asks holding the baby.

"She'll be five months in two weeks." Kenley smiles.

"Oh wow! You're getting so big!"

"She is! Charlotte, tell Emily that you can roll over and grab toys from mommy and daddy's hands!"

"Oh my goodness, can you?! That's so good, baby!"

"Ya Ya!" Charlotte bounces up and down making everyone laugh.

"She talks a lot too." Noah smiles.

"I mean not words, obviously! But you know.. baby talk." He chuckles.

"It's true, she does! She talks a lot for being so little. I have a feeling she's going to be super super smart!" Jessica says.

"Thank you! We try to get her to say mama or dada but she just thinks it's funny and laughs at us." Kenley says.

"Haha! Well she'll get the hang of it soon. Is she sleeping more throughout the night?"

"She is! She even sleeps in her own room like a big girl!"

"Oh Charlie, that's so good, sweet girl!" Emily says.

"When you talk to her she gets so happy! Look at the way she's bouncing up and down!" Isaiah laughs.

"I know, she loves doing that!" Kenley smiles.


A couple weeks later Danny woke up a little before Jessica and washed up.
When he came out she was still sleeping peacefully.

"Jess." Danny shakes her.


"What?" She says covering her face with the comforter.

"I'm going to the gym, wanna go with me?"

Jessica slides the covers off of her face and looks at Danny.
"Are you calling me fat?"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now