Two days ago

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"Mom, it's been one month since you've even spoken with Sarah. Don't you think it's time you at least call her?"

"Gabby, that bitch hurt my feelings! I'm not calling her! If she feels bad and wants to apologize then I will listen, but until then I'm not budging."

"Alright, well I can't force you."

"No you can't. Now will you please help me clean a little? I have grown ass kids and none of you help me around here!"

"Alright, I'm sorry!"


Evan and Sarah's POV.



"Am I a horrible friend?"


"I told Jessica she was a horrible mother and now I feel terrible!" Sarah cries.

"I knew you would sooner or later."

"Kenley's my baby! I had to stand up for her!"

"Well you could've done it in a nicer way."

"I was just so angry and not really get after my own child. I screamed at poor Noah.. Oh Evan, she'll never forgive me!"

"Sar, I'm sure she will. You just need to make the first move. I know Jess, and after the way you yelled at her, she will not make the first move."

"You're right.. Maybe I'll go over there later."


Jessica's POV.

"I'll be back, mom."

"Where are you headed off to, Zaya?"

"Em and I are going to a movie."

"Why don't you invite her over for dinner tonight?"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course! She's a sweet girl and I'd like to get to know her better."

"Well great! I'll ask her. Thanks, mom."

"No problem. Where's my kiss?" Jessica puckers her lips.

Isaiah chuckles and kisses Jessica's cheek.

"Thank you! Have fun and be carful, baby!"

"I will!"

Just as Isaiah opens the front door Sarah was going to knock.

"Oh!" She slightly jumps.

"Aunt Sarah! Hey.. it's been a while."

"I know.. is your mother here?"

Isaiah gives her a strange look because from where they were standing you can clearly see Jessica.

"Yeah, she's right there.."

"Oh. Can I talk to her?"

"If you want.. I'm gonna go..
You can go in now if you want."

"Thank you.." Sarah slowly walks in a closes the door behind her.


"Hi." Jessica says before turning her face to opposite direction.

"Can we talk?"

"Go ahead."

"I'm very sorry for the way I acted.."

Jessica turns to her.
"I'm listening."

"I should have calmed down a little first.. I should have gotten onto my daughter first. I'm sorry if I made you feel like a horrible mother."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now