Maid of honor

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October 18th.

"Danny, wake up.  Our baby girl is twenty two today!"

"Jess, I'm so sleepy. It's not like when she was little, she won't be running in here and jumping on our bed to wake us up."

"Aw Danny, don't say that!"

"Mommy!  Daddy! Wake up!  It's my birthday!" Gabriella shouts as she bangs on the door.

"Haha! You obviously don't know your daughter, Daniel!" Jessica laughs as she walks over to open the door.

"Happy Birthday, baby!" Jessica gives her daughter a hug.

"Thank you, momma! How are my babies doing today?" Gabriella places her hands on her mother's bulging belly.

"Say kicking mama like crazy!" Jessica says in a cute voice.

"Aw!" She kisses her bump.

"Are you ready for today, momma?" Gabriella smiles big.

"I am! I can't believe my little girl is getting married! I'm totally going to lose it when I see you in a wedding dress."

"Aw! I'm so excited! Julio made breakfast so y'all come on down so we can hurry up and leave for the boutique!"

"Right behind ya, baby!"


"I don't know about you! But I'm feelin twenty twoooo!" Gabriella sings.

"Kill me." Anastasia says looking at Jessica with absolutely no expression.

Jessica laughs and continues walking into the kitchen.

"Ma, you've got that pregnancy waddle major bad now." Anastasia chuckles as she walks behind her mother.

"I know! It's just so difficult to walk with these two overgrown fetuses!" Jessica rubs her hand over the front of her belly.

"Gwamma walks like a penguin!" Charlotte giggles.

"Thank you, Charlie!" Jessica laughs.

"Gwamma, I wanna have a baby in my tummy too! Like you!"

"You do?! Well how about I give you one of mine?"

"No way! Yours is way too big for my little body!" Charlotte pats her belly.

"Oh okay!" Jessica laughs.

They all sit around the table for breakfast and Charlotte hands Gabriella the drawing she made for her.

"Aunt Gabby, I make you dis for you Birthday!"

"Aw, thank you, Charlotte!"

"It me and you on da stage!"

"Oh I love it so much, baby girl! Thank you!"

"Yeah it so beautiful!"

Gabriella laughs and kisses her cheek.

"Gwamma I drawed you one too but daddy say no can give it to you!" Charlotte nods.

"Aw! Why not? Noah, give it to me!"

"We discussed this, Charlotte."

"Noah, don't be that way and give me my picture!"

Noah sighs and hands her the drawing.

"Oh look at this! It's so beautiful! Is this the sun?" Jessica asks looking at a large circle on the page.

"No silly, dat you! Dat you's big fat belly!"

"Well thank you so much!" Jessica laughs.

"See daddy! She no cwy!"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now