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Thanksgiving morning.

Anastasia's POV.

"Are you okay now?  You were screaming bloody murder with daddy!"

"Yeah, I thought you were hurt, chunky!" Ashton says.

Annabelle looks over to her father making him chuckle.

Annabelle looks over to her father making him chuckle

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"Thank God you're cute, Anna!"

"She is pretty cute." Anastasia kisses the top of her head.

"Mommy's pretty cute too."

Anastasia looks up and Ashton smiles softly.
"Uh thanks!" She responds in a funny voice.

"I'm serious, babe."


"Ana. Look, I know we're just friends.. who have had sex.. who live together.. and also have a baby.  So I don't want to be too forward but uh.. do you wanna get back together?"


"Okay.  Why not?  Can we just talk about why you don't want to be a couple after everything we've been through?"

"Ash, I know we've been through a lot together. But I myself have been through hell! I don't want to worry about a relationship right now.  I need to just focus on her, and myself right now.  I love you, and you know that.  But right now we need to just be Annabelle's parents.  Okay?"

"Okay." Ashton takes a deep breath, and kneels down to speak to his baby girl.
"That's not such a bad job, my little monster baby."

Annabelle babbles and reaches over to slap her father's face.
Anastasia giggles and Ashton looks at her with love in his eyes.


Later that day.

"So Jessie!  When are you planning on going back to work?"

"Well mom, my life is pretty nuts at home." Jessica chuckles, "But there is something something in the works!"

"Oh good!  Just wondering.  I thought you might have retired without telling me!"

"Mom will never retire!  She's been trying to do it for years!  It's like having babies!  She tried stopping, but they just kept flying out of her!"

"Oh Gabby!" Jessica laughs and hits her arm.

"Lolli, don't hit my mommy!" William shouts.

"I made her, I can whack her if I want!"

"You not make mommy!"

"Yes I did! She's my first baby! The oldest Huston child!"

"Watch it, Granny." Gabriella points.

"Lolli, you is crazy!" William laughs.

"I am SO crazy, Willie!"


Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now