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June 10th.

"She's pregnant, in telling you she's pregnant."

"She is not!  She's just bloated!"

"Jessica, her belly is practically dragging on the ground!  We have to take her to the vet.  We also need a list of supplies we'll need for the birth of the puppies."

"Puppies?!" Jessica turns to her husband as her eyes widen.


"Do you really think she's pregnant, Danny?  Maybe she's just chubby!  I mean I could pass for a few months pregnant.  Doesn't mean I am!"

"She's pregnant." Danny says with a straight face.

"Wait!  I have an old pregnancy test in the bathroom!  Should we get her to pee on it?" Jessica asks.

"Jessica.. Heh!" Danny nods his head.
"Oh my pretty little Jessica." He places his hand on her cheek and gently rubs his thumb up and down.

"That's not how you find out on a dog, love.  I'll call the vet and see when we can bring her in."

"Okay.. I'm so nervous!"

"You should be!  Golden retrievers have a lot of puppies!"

"Oh gosh.."

Danny and Jessica packed up the twins and Momo, and made it to their last minute appointment.

"Mommy, is my Momo sicky?  Why we at the doggy hostable?" Willow asks her mother.

"No baby, we just have to make sure Momo doesn't have any little puppies in her belly."


"PUPPIES?!" Emerson shouts.

"I gonna be a gwamma?!" Willow asks.

"Heh!  Maybe."

"Oh goodness!  How the puppies get in there?" She looks up to her mother while sitting on her lap.

"Uhh.. the same way you got in mine."

Willow looks around then lifts her hand to the side of her mouth before she whispers in her mother's ear. "Your hole?"

Jessica couldn't help but laugh.
"Yes, baby."

"That's silly!  I don't want no babies going up there!" She says grabbing herself.

"Stop that!" Jessica giggles and softly pats her daughter's chunky thigh.


"She's back!" The veterinarian walks in along side of Momo.

"Hey Momo!" Emerson jumps down from his chair to greet the dog.

"What's she got in her, doc?" Danny asks.

"She's pregnant and due in a little over a week."

"What?!  Holy shit!" Jessica says, her eyes widened.

"Mommy that's a yucky word!" Willow shouts.

"Sorry baby!" She covers her mouth.

"I told you she was pregnant, Jess." Danny says.

"I just didn't want to believe it.  How many are in there?"

"Well the ultrasound shows eight."


"Hey!  She's like you!" Danny laughs and looks at Jessica.

Jessica gives her husband a dirty look.

"Eight puppies is about the average, Mrs. Huston.
From eight to around twelve."

"Oh fuck no!  She's not having twelve!  Listen, we have a grandbaby due in three weeks, she cannot be pregnant!"

"Mommy! Be happy for my puppy! Momo is gonna be a mommy!" Willow says gently caressing Momo's face.

"Yeah Jess, have a heart!" Danny says.

Jessica looks down to Willow and sighs.
"I'm sorry, baby. You're right. This is a happy moment. Momo is having babies!" She smiles.

"YEAH! I need to think of the names for my new puppies!"

"Oh Willow, that's very very cool but.. we can't keep the puppies."

"What? NO! I gonna keep all my puppies!"

"Honey, that is a grand total of TEN golden retrievers! We can't keep them."

"You mean bitch!"

Jessica's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.
"Excuse me?!"

"We should talk about this at home. Thank you so much for your time, Doctor." Danny smiles.

Sorry for the short chapter!
How many puppies should there be?
Should they keep one?
Also, what else do you guys want? Drama? 🙃

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now