Everything has changed

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"I want you to get your shit and get out of my house Right Now."

"I'm not leaving, Jessica!  I love you!" Danny walks over and grabs her waist.

"Don't fucking touch me!  I hate you!"

"Jess, I swear on everything I don't have feelings for her!  I didn't mean for this to happen."

Jessica breaks down. "Oh my gosh.. Daniel, we've been through so much together.  We have six children, and seven grandchildren.  We've lost babies, we've worked together.. we have done everything together for the last thirty years.  But it's like I don't know you at all.  You are a completely different person to me, Danny.  What you've done has changed us forever."

"So what are you saying?  You wanna go to a therapist?  Fine!  I'll call someone now."


"Then what do I have to do?"

"I just need you to leave."

"And then what?"

Jessica looks away and places her hand over her face.

"I'm not going to let you throw away thirty beautiful years, Jessica."

"I'm not.  You did that all on your own, Daniel."

Danny looks Jessica in the eyes.  Both crying, both having that same pain in their chest.

"This isn't the end of us, Jess."

"You need to leave."

"Where do you want me to go?"

"I don't care."

Danny sighs. "I love you."

Jessica doesn't respond.

"I love you.  I love you so much." Danny gets on his knees and presses his cheek against her stomach as he cries.

Jessica fights herself.  She couldn't back down.

Jessica then pushed him away and walked towards the door. "Leave."

"What about the kids?"

"I'll handle it.  Just go."

Danny leaves and Jessica falls to the ground, sobbing.

Anastasia walks in after hearing her mother.

"Mom?  What's wrong?  I heard you and dad having disgusting sex, then you guys were yelling.  Where did dad go?"

"I don't care."

Anastasia kneels down. "What happened?" She asks.

"Nothing.  Go tend to Annie.  I'm fine."

"Okay.. you sure?"

"I'm fine, honey.  We just had a fight."

"Okay.. I'll be up to check on you in a little while."

"I'll be down in a minute."

Anastasia walks into the hallway where she runs into Isaiah.

"Is that mom crying?"

"Yeah.  She said she and dad had a fight but that she's okay."

"I'm gonna check on her."

"I think she wants to be alone."

"I'm gonna check on her!"

"Fine you momma's boy!" Anastasia rolls her eyes.

Isaiah softly knocks on the door before letting himself in.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now