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Christmas Eve Eve.

"Why do we always wait til the very last minute to finish up our Christmas shopping?" Danny asks.

"I don't know, these crowds are terrible!"

"I know! And if I don't find this princess dollhouse that Willow wants, I am officially the worst daddy in the world."

Jessica laughs and sips on her coffee.

"Did she say that?" She asks.

"Not exactly.. She said if she didn't get it then I'm a meany head. But that's some serious trash talk to a three year old."

"True!" Jessica laughs. " Oh I forgot to tell you! Emerson told me he wants a tablet to watch Mickey Mouse."

"What's wrong with watching it on the tv?"

"I have no idea! I guess he wants access to Mickey no matter where he is."

"You wanna get him one?"

"Hell no!"

"Why? He's not gonna like you, Jess!"

"Tough! He's not gettin one! He is three years old. I am not buying him a tablet. I think parents who do that are taking their childhood away. They're taking away all of the creativity you get as a child. Honey, that's where it all begins! A child's brain is the most creative thing on this planet.. IF you let them be a child. Let them run and play. Let them dress up, let them sing and dance! Let them play outside in the dirt, let them drive you nuts! They're only a child once and I'm not taking that away so he can spend hours with his eyes glued to a tablet."

"Wow.. honey, I really didn't think it was that deep. The boy just wants to watch Mickey Mouse!"

"Well I pushed him out and what I say goes!"

"Yes ma'am!" Danny chuckles.


Later that evening.

"Momma, it's just a movie! Can I please, please go?"

"No hanky panky, Anastasia!" Jessica points her finger.

"I won't!"

"I mean it!"

"So do I! Can I please go?"

"If your father says it's okay then sure. Go ahead."

"Yay! Thank you, momma!"

In the last few weeks Danny and Jessica have met Ashton and decided that Anastasia could continue seeing him. She's getting older but she Must stick to a few rules.

After Anastasia left for her date Danny and Jessica put the twins to bed.

"Mama, I no want to go to bed!" Emerson cries.

"You have to go to bed, honey. Everyone will be asleep and all the lights will be off..
And whoever's still awake when the lights are off will be scared by the Monster!"

"Mommy!" Emerson looks at his mother with a scared look in his eyes.

"Go to bed so he won't come!"

"Okay! I go to bed!" Emerson covers up and shuts his eyes.

"Jessica!" Danny laughs.

"Hey it worked, didn't it?" She laughs and kisses him goodnight.

"You're a mess!" Danny says.


"Yeah, Lo Lo?"

"Santa come tonight?"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now