Charlotte Rose

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"Your water broke?" Jessica quickly stands up.

"Well are you sure?!" Noah says on the verge of freaking out.

"Yes I'm sure!  What do I do?  Aunt Jessie, will you please call my mommy?" Kenley cries.

"Yes, Of course sweetheart!  Daniel!" Jessica shouts.


"Ken's water just broke, I need you to call Sarah and Evan NOW!"

"Oh my gosh!  Okay, I'll call them!"

"Aunt Jessie, I'm scared!" Kenley starts crying.

"Sweetie, you're going to be okay! We have time." Jessica says in a calm voice.

"Ow! Oh it hurts!"

Jessica holds her hand supports her back.

"What if my mom doesn't get to me in time?  Jessie, I need my mom!"

"Honey, just breathe.  It'll be okay.
Did you get ahold of her, Danny?"


Hey Sarah!  Where are you?"

"At home, why? What's wrong?"

"Kenley's water just broke."

"Oh my Gosh!  Alright, I'm on my way!  Oh my baby!
Evan, get up!  We have to go!"

"Why?  What's wrong?"

"Kenny's water broke!"

"Oh God, I'm gonna be sick!  Sarah, she's my baby!"

"Just come on, we have to leave!
Tell her we'll be there in five minutes!"

"Will do, Sar.  Be safe, please."

"I will. Tell my baby I love her, Danny!"

"Sure thing, Sarah."

"Okay Ken, just sit.  I don't think it broke all the way, did it?"

"I don't know."

"Was it just a trickle?"

"It was at first.  I thought I was peeing on myself, that's why I ran to the bathroom, then there was a small gush."

"Alright honey, just stay calm, it's okay.  Noah, go get her bags, please."


"I need my bear!" Kenley says in a panic.

"Your what?"

"My Pudgy!  I need it."

Pudgy was Kenley's stuffed bear her father gave to her when she was younger.  Whenever she was frightened or stressed she would hold onto it and squeeze it.  It was just a huge stress reliever for her and she hated not having it.

"Danny, call Sarah and tell her Ken needs Pudgy!"


Jessica stayed with her and calmed her down as best as she could while Noah ran up to get their bags.

He felt so dizzy, he had to stop for a moment.
"What am I doing?  I can't do this!  I can't be a father!" He cries.


Noah hears his brother's voice and turns to him with a dazed look.

"Hey! You okay?"

Noah looked at him and didn't respond.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now