Sucker for you

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One month later.

"... Can we have sex now?"


"Jessica Phyllis Lange Huston!"


"It's been two months since you've given birth."

"To three babies!  Fuck you, it's not happening!"

"What about my needs?"

"You take care of yourself and leave me out of it!"

Danny glares at his wife.
"You are so hateful."

"Go fuck yourself, Daniel."

"Go fuck, daddy!" Willow walks in and points to her father.

"You see what you did?  You're turning my sweet princess into a mini you!"

"She has to learn from the Queen. Are you packed, Daniel? We leave in the morning for California."

"Yes I am packed, my beautiful sweet sweet soul of a wife." Danny smiles.

Jessica purses her lips and furrows his brows.

"Mommy, I not packed yet!" Willow lifts her hands.

"You're packed to go to uncle George's and aunt Anjelica's."

"Why I not going to Fornia?"

"Because we're going for sissy's premier and they don't let little people in."

"I not a little people! I a big people!"

"I know, honey. But still, it's safer for you to stay here."

"What if you and daddy get lonely or scared at night night time? You won't have me and bwuder to hold and cuddle with!"

"Aw that will be hard!"

"Maybe you and daddy can cuddle together?"

"I doubt that." Danny looks at Jessica.

"I'll be fine, baby girl. But I will miss you!"

"Me miss you more, mommy! But I'll miss daddy more than you!"

"Ha!" Danny smiles.

"Emmy will miss me most! Emerson! Come here, love!"

"What Mommy? I busy!" He shouts from the next room.

"Oh my gosh! I birthed all these babies and I'm no ones favorite!  Emerson doesn't even want to come when I call him!"

"You're Isaiah's favorite for sure!" Danny chuckles.

"I am my Zaya's favorite!" Jessica smiles.
"Always have been, always will be!"

"Not mine!" Willow giggles.

"Willow Alexandra!"

"Hey I only kidding, mommy!" Willow gives her mother a serious look making her laugh.


The next morning.

"I have enough breast milk in the fridge to feed the triplets for the weekend."

"You have enough to feed the entire family for the weekend!" Isaiah says looking through the fridge.

"I pumped a lot!" She chuckles.

"You guys call us if you need anything.
George, the twins have their bags packed. Remember to watch Willow. She has tummy issues if she has too much dairy, but she loves cheese! Willow, remember what mommy said."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now