She's not my Grandma

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Gabriella takes the ultrasound from her mother and stares at it.

"I don't believe you."

"What do you mean you don't believe me?  Gabriella, I'm serious!"

Gabriella reaches over and pokes her mother's stomach.

"Gabby, Stop it!"

"She's definitely pregnant.  We saw them.. Plus your mother is growing fast if you haven't noticed!"

Anastasia looks down to her mother's mid section.
"How did this happen?  I didn't think it was possible for you to have one but TWO?!  I don't understand!"

"Multiple births are very common when you're older, Ana." Danny says.

Isaiah clears his throat and says, "I didn't know you guys still had sex."

"Well, things have slowed down but when you're alone on a beach.. things happen."

"Oh God!" Gabriella grabs her head.

"Danny, stop that!" Jessica hits his arm.

"-And oh God I need to take this damn sweater off!" Jessica stands up and rips her sweater off leaving on only a cami.

"Shit!" She says tossing it on the ground

The kids eyes go wide at their mother's round belly.

"Oh!  There it is." Gabriella says in a low voice.

"These babies are coming whether you want them to or not." Jessica stands there holding her bump.

"I know it's a lot to take in but I would appreciate your support."

"Of course we'll support you, Ma.. I mean you didn't turn your back on Ken and I.. we'll be here for you."

"Thank you, Nugget."

"I think it's kinda cool!" Emily smiles.

"It is! Those are my future sister or brother in law's in there!" Julio chuckles.

Jessica smiles softly.

"... so these are island babies, huh?" Gabriella asks.

"Yeah." Jessica chuckles and nods her head.

"Angela used to always make fun of me because every time I'd work I would end up pregnant.. I guess working makes me horny."

"Mom, please stop it." Isaiah shuts his eyes.

"Sorry!" Jessica giggles.

"..I'm sorry for my comments, mom.
I'll be here for you and the babies." Anastasia says.

"Thank you." Jessica smiles softly.

"When are you due?" Isaiah asks.

"November 29th."


Jessica laughs because all eyes were glued to her growing belly. They were still in shock.

"You guys stop that! You're making me feel self conscious!"

Jessica sits down and Danny reaches over and rubs her belly.

"It'll be okay. Once these two little babes are here we won't know how we went through life without them."

Jessica smiles and places her hand on top of his.


A few days later.

Jessica was sitting on the couch and Charlotte was sitting beside her playing with one of her toys.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now