I can't

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Isaiah quickly gathered everything he needed for the birth while George helped Emily set up the birth pool.

In the meantime Jessica did her own thing.
For now the contractions weren't very close together, so she sat down stairs. A towel placed under her bottom.

"Mommy, you pee peeing yourself?" Emerson asks, inspecting his mother closely.

"No baby." She chuckles.

"What's that water coming out your pee pee hole?" Willow gets close.

"My water broke, loves. It means the babies are coming soon."

"Tonight?!" Their little eyes widen.

"Well that'd be nice." Jessica chuckles.
"But probably tomorrow morning or the middle of the day.... Or if they're like you two; next week!"

"That's silly!" Willow laughs.

Jessica smiles just before she begins to tense up.
She closes her eyes and begins breathing deeply.

"You okay, mommy? What's happening?" Emerson asks.

"Daddy! Mommy doesn't look good!" Willow shouts.

"I'm okay loves, just be quiet please."

Jessica breathes in and out as she looks down.

"I think hers tummy's hurts." Emerson whispers to his sister.

Danny then takes them by the hand and says, "Let's leave mommy alone, guys. Go play with Charlie and William."

"But hers hurting!" Willow says with sad little eyes.

"Mommy's okay, baby girl." Jessica says.

"Charlotte, will you please keep Emerson and Willow busy?" Danny asks.

"Sure, grandpa! Come on, guys! You can be guests at my tea party!"

"Ew! We don't like tea!" Willow makes a face.

"It's just air!" She laughs.

The kids walk off and leave the adults.

"Should someone check for dilation?" Gabriella asks.

"Not you!"


"Anyway, not yet. My water just broke, and I don't feel a head yet, so I think I'm good."

"I can't believe this! I can't believe you're having a baby during this storm while my parents are still out there! I hate this!" Kenley says in tears.

"Aw honey, I'm sure they're okay! Here, let me call Sarah. Will you hand me my phone, Ana?"


"Thanks baby."

Jessica calls Sarah and nervously waits for her to pick up.

"Hey, I was just about to call you!"

"Are you guys okay? Where are you?"

"We're on our way."


"Your house!"

"Like hell! This house is flooded with people and I'm in labor!"

"Well we can't get to our house!" Sarah then gasps.
"YOU'RE IN LABOR?! You're gonna have the babies?!"

"Yeah." Jessica chuckles tiredly.

"Oh my gosh, how exciting! Is Sunshine there?"

"No but we have a doctor in the house, thank God!"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now