Too many smarshmellows

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December 16th.

11 weeks pregnant.


"Yeah babe?"

"Look at me."

"What wrong?" Danny looks up from his book.

"I've popped. At eleven weeks. Isn't that crazy?"

"Well you're carrying triplets, babe." He chuckles.

"It's still so crazy! I looked like this at four months with Gabby!"

"I wonder how big you'll get." Danny laughs.

"I'm going to get so huge!" She laughs. "I mean, I don't care. I don't have anyone to impress. You won't have sex with me!
..I'm just worried about how I'm going to function. I am so exhausted already. I don't think I've ever been as exhausted as I am right now."

"You have been pretty beat, haven't you?"

"Yes! And my poor babies.. They don't understand why mommy is always sleepy." Jessica pouts.

"Yeah.. Jess, they're a little slower than our other kids, aren't they?"



"That's mean! They aren't slow! They just don't get the idea that mommy is pregnant with their brother's triples. I understand their confusion, Daniel."

"Oh yeah.. I guess you're right." Danny shrugs.

"You're so mean to our babies."

"I'm not! I love those little fatties."

Jessica rolls her eyes and walks out of the room.


"Rise and shine, my angels!"

"Mama?" Emerson rubs his eyes.

"Hi baby boy! Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah mommy, I dweam I got a kitty cat! MEOW!" He laughs.

"Aw! That's a pretty cool dream!"

"Yeah! Can I have a kitty cat, pwease!"

"Nope!" Jessica giggles.

"Mommy!" He laughs and throws himself on her.

"Silly boy." Jessica rubs his back. "Let's wake sissy.
Willow baby, wake up."

"Wiwow is cwanky in the mornin, mommy."

"Heh!  I know she is. Lo Lo, wakey wakey."

"Mama I is sleepin!" She shouts.

"Well I know that, cranky pants! Get up!" She chuckles.

Willow sits up and huffs.

"Well good morning, beautiful!" Jessica smiles.

Willow nods her head then reaches over for her binky.

Jessica laughs. "You and that pacifier! You're definitely going to need braces when you're older, little miss."


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