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"Mama!  Mama!" Willow runs to Jessica.

"What, Lo Lo?"


"What did he do now?"

"Pow pow!" Willow hits her hand.

"Emerson, did you hit your sister?"

"No, mama." He nods and smiles sweetly.

"Hit me, mama!" Willow says, tears just pouring down her chubby cheeks.

"Emerson, why did you hit her?"

"She twy take my toys!"

"You have to share, guys.  Now Emmy, will you please tell sissy you're sorry?"


"Emerson." Jessica gives him a stern look.

"No mama!  I not say dat!"

"Emerson.  Five.. four.."

"Tree.. two.. ONE!  Can't catch!  Can't catch!" Emerson shouts as he runs off laughing.

Emerson was definitely the wild one of the two.  He was Always getting into trouble.

"Mama get him!" Willow shouts.

Jessica takes off running after him.
Emerson laughs hysterically as she chases him.

"Emerson, you are in big trouble!  Wait til I tell daddy!"

"Noo!" He whines.

"He's not going to be very happy, is he?"

"No tell him!"


"Cause he mad at me!"

"Well then listen, Emerson!"

Willow marches over and stomps her foot.  She purses her lips and points her finger. "Bad boy!"

"NO!" Emerson pushes his sister to the ground.

"Emerson Alexander!" Jessica picks him up and takes him to the time out corner, kicking and screaming.


"You sit here and think about what you did!  We do not hit, mister!"

"No mama!  I no want yew!" He kicks her hard in the chest.

"Little boy, you are just asking for a spanking!"



The entire day consisted of the twins fighting.  When Danny returned home Jessica was beyond exhausted.

"How's it going, Babydoll?" Danny kisses her cheek and wraps his arm around her waist.

"Daniel, please don't do that right now.  Your kids have driven me crazy all day today and the last thing I want right now is to be touched.  So please don't start."

"Sorry.  I was just asking.  I guess I can just hang out with all the other woman that I've met today that we're drooling all over me."

Jessica scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Oh Please!  They can have you!"


"Honey, if they want you with grey hair and a beer belly, they really love you and totally deserve you!"

"Man!  What the hell crawled up your ass and died?"

"It's your children, Daniel!  They are driving me nuts!"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now