Just like you

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June 10th.

Now that it is officially summer, the whole family is planning on traveling to New York to visit Gabriella and Julio.

"Okay, you two little babies are gonna have to be super good on the plane.  If you're loud then everyone is gonna look at us and mommy won't like that!"

Emerson pouts and starts fussing.
"Nuh uh!  Stop that.  What are you crying for?  Huh?  What is that for?" Jessica baby talks.

Emerson stops and looks at his mother.

"Thank you.  You see, little fits like that mommy just doesn't understand!"

Willow then kicks her legs and whines a bit.

"Now it's your turn?  What is it?  You both have full tummies and clean dipeys.  What do you want?"

Willow cries loudly so Jessica picks her up.
She immediately stops and coos softly.

"Oh all you wanted was mama!  How sweet!" Jessica baby talks.


"I don't like this!  I wanna get off!" Charlotte shouts as the plane takes off.

"Shh, shh.. you're okay, daddy's got you."

"I'm scared!" She cries.

"It's okay, just go to sleep and I'll wake you when we get there."

"I gonna be sick!"


"My tummy feels funny and-" Charlotte vomits mid sentence.

"Oh no!" Kenley's eyes widen.

"She threw up on me!" Noah says holding his own vomit back.

"What's going on over there?" Jessica asks.

"Charlotte got sick.. ALL OVER ME!" He shouts.

"Oh no!  Press the button so they can give you something to clean it."

"I can't move!"


"Okay.... No, I CAN'T!"

Kenley scoffs and presses the button.

"What am I gonna do?  I can't sit in these clothes for four hours!"

"Why don't you worry about your sick daughter before you worry about yourself?"

"THERE IS VOMIT ALL OVER ME!" He shouts as Isaiah and Emily watch from a far.

"This is the perfect birth control." He chuckles.

"Definitely!" Emily nods.


Two hours later.

Danny and Jessica sat beside each other with a baby laying on top of them.

"Jess, one of these nights we're here, I'd like to leave the twins with the kids so you and I can have a little date night alone."

"Oh really?" Jessica smiles.

"Yeah, I miss you!"

"I miss you too..
Remember how we talked about traveling after the kids graduated?  We we're gonna go Everywhere!"

"Yeah.. Now we're back on diaper duty.. Your breasts have taken the name Num Nums once again.. and we barley have any time together.."


Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now