A Break!

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One week later.

"Ugh!  Daniel!"

"What now?"

"You made the bed All Wrong!" Jessica whines as she rips the comforter off of their bed.

"Well at least I made it!  When's the last time you've done it?"

Jessica makes a face. "Shut up!"

"Well it's true, ain't it?"

Can you please go grab me a pen and paper?"


Danny walks over and grabs what Jessica needs.

"Thanks.  Go ahead and write down eggs, bread, milk, cheese-"

"Here, you write it."

"Daniel, will you please just do what I ask?  God, I'm trying to clean up Your mess!"

"Fine!  Eggs, milk, a fucking better mood!  What else?"

"Excuse me?" Jessica gives her husband a look.

"You've been such a bitch lately, Jess!"

"Well I'm sorry but have you ever been around YOU  for days and days and DAYS AT A TIME?! I'm fucking sick of you, Danny!  I wake up, You're there!  I eat, you're there!  I shower, you're there!  I fucking take a piss and you're fucking there too!  I go to bed and you're STILL.  FUCKING.  THERE!
Fuck, I love you, but DAMN!"

  You know you're not a sweet little flower yourself, Jessica!  Do I think you've gotten even more fucking annoying since this whole quarantine?  HELL YES!"

Jessica rolls her eyes.
"Add tequila to that list."

Danny smiles. "My girl is still in there underneath this evil bitch."

Jessica nods her head and chuckles softly before stopping herself and yelling at him once again.


Later that day.
Isaiah's POV.

"Mama!  Mama!  Mama!"

"Hi!  What's up, Harvey?" Emily picks up her son.

"Dada!" Harvey smiles.

Isaiah laughs. "I'm over here, bud!"

"YAAA!  DADAAAAA!" He leans his body towards his father until Isaiah takes him.

"You stinker!  I thought you wanted mommy!" Emily says.

"No!" Harvey giggles.

"Mommy has to go to work, so you will at least give me kisses before I go!"

"Mmmm!" Harvey puckers.

"Muah!  Thank you!  Give me kisses, Hunter and Jessie!"

"Bye bye, mama!" Hunter ran towards her.

"Bye, my loves!  Be good, okay?"

"Tay!" Baby Jessica smiles.

Emily pecks Isaiah on the lips and says, "Bye, super dad!"

"I am super dad, huh?" He smiles.

"You sure are!  Still going to school, and taking care of the three stooges!  You're incredible."

"Thank you." Isaiah smiles and kisses her lips. "You're pretty rad yourself." He winks.

"You!" Emily giggles and pinches his cheek.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now