I understand

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January 10th.

It is now four days until Gabriella's due date.

"Okay Gabby, I'm ready for birthing class!" Jessica says, dressed and ready to go.

"Mom, I don't want to go anywhere!" Gabriella whines, laying on the couch.

"Yeah I know exactly how that feels! Remember when you dragged my ass out when I was pregnant with not just one but TWO babies! Two very very large babies. Now let's get going mommy." Jessica smiles and pats her leg.

"Julio and I have been going. You breathe and you push, I think I've got it."

"It's not that easy, Gabby. Come on, it'll be good to move around and get that baby wanting to wiggle his way out! Plus I want to take your picture in birthing class with your first little baby!" Jessica squeals.

"Fine but Ana will go too just to make sure you don't embarrass me?"

"What?! ME embarrass YOU?! Oh Jesus!" Jessica rolls her eyes.


Julio and Gabriella went to their birthing class with Jessica and Anastasia watching.
Once they were finished the four of them went out to eat.

"Let me call and check on your father. He's alone with the twins!" Jessica laughs.

"Poor daddy!" Gabriella says.

"Oh please, he's fine!" Jessica rolls her eyes.

"Yeah?" Danny answers.

"Having fun, honey?"

"Jess.. we've created monsters."

"Haha! Aw honey, that's not nice! I mean it's true, but still!"

"Emerson threw his food on the ground, then screamed and cried about it. Then Willow broke the dollhouse, and then screamed and cried about it."

"She broke the dollhouse? How'd she do that?"

"She pushed Emerson into it."

"Oh!" Jessica laughs.

"Poor baby! But at least she's fighting back now! Em is so mean to her sometimes and she just sits there and cries. She needs to be tough like her mama! Remember when I slapped you?"

"Which time, Jess?"

Jessica chuckles. "Do I do it that often?"


"Oh well, it's okay!  Heh!  Anyway, I better let you go. I hear them and they sound like they're getting into trouble."

"Always! Be careful, babe."

"You too."


"Mm! That looks good, Ana! Give it to me!"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now