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The next morning Jessica woke up early to feed the babies and get everything ready to leave a little later.

"Gwamma?" Charlotte walks in as Jessica changes the babies diapers.

"Yes, honey?"

"How did your date go last night? Did you and gwampa kiss?"

"Hah! I can't tell you that now, can I?"

"Ooh! That means YeeEEEESSS!!"

"Charlotte!" Jessica laughs.

"That's funny! Can I help you with the babies?"

"I'm just about finished. Thank you though, beautiful."

"No problem! I'm gonna go down for bweakfast. Gwampa's almost done!"

"Right behind ya, kiddo."

Jessica walks downstairs and places the babies in their swings. She then walks over to Anastasia and hugs her tightly.

"Happy Birthday, baby girl!"

"Thank you, mom!"

"I'm so excited for today!" Jessica jumps.

"Me too! It's gonna be so much fun! Oh! Can I drink beer tonight?"

"Haha! Hell no!" Jessica laughs.

"Worth a shot." Anastasia shrugs.


Anastasia's friends all came over as well as the hair and makeup artists.

Jessica was upstairs with the her usual hair and makeup team. She sat in a chair nursing Willow while Danny burped Emerson.

"So your baby girl is sixteen, huh?" Jessica's makeup artist 'Stella' says.

"Yes! Isn't that crazy? I feel like I just had her!"

"Did you two buy her a car?"

"Yeah, we're surprising her tonight. We kept telling her it wasn't gonna happen, so hopefully she's surprised."

"How exciting!"

"I know.." Jessica says looking down and checking on Willow.

"Are you finished yet? Jesus, you're a hungry girl!"

"Heh! She's precious! My niece is about her age, but she's half her size.. I want a chubby baby!"

Jessica chuckles and softly caresses Willow's cheek.

"Chubby babies are pretty cute.."

Just then Willow giggles.
"Yes, mama's talkin about you!" Jessica tickles her round belly.

Once Jessica was finished she went down and took the pictures of the girls getting ready.

"Mom, stop taking pictures of us!"

"Oh stop it, Anastasia!"

"Momma, take more of me!" Gabriella poses for her mother.

Anastasia rolls her eyes, "You're so ugly you're gonna break mom's camera."

"Don't be jealous, baby sister!"

"Me?  Jealous?!  Hah!  That's funny!" Anastasia chuckles.

"Girls, cut it out. Please!"

"Fine!  *Gasp* Mamacita, you look beautiful!" Gabriella says.

"I look fat!"

"No, you look amazing!  In your dress, you'll look stunning!"

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now