Bye Bye Num Nums

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"Hey Danny, have you seen Ana?"

"Yeah, she went to bed.  She said she was tired."

"Really?  Is she not feeling well?"

"I don't know." Danny shrugs.

"Well I'm gonna check on her."

Jessica walks upstairs and softly knocks on Anastasia's door.

"Ana?  Anastasia, are you okay?"

Jessica knocks once again before letting herself in.

"Ana?" Jessica walks over and pulls the covers off her bed.

"Ugh!  Anastasia!" Jessica then marches back downstairs. "Daniel!" She shouts.

"Yeah, babe?"

"She snuck off again!"

"Why?  She could've just asked."

"She knows I would've said No!  Not on Christmas!"

"I'll call her."

"I swear that girl!"

"What's wrong?" Ann asks.

"Anastasia snuck off.  Probably to visit the boyfriend." Jessica rolls her eyes.

"She is such a pain!  I swear she likes to be in trouble!"

"No answer." Danny says.

Jessica scoffs. "Well you and I are going to sit our asses outside and wait for her ass!"

"Babe but I wanna stay inside!  It's cold!" Danny whines.

"Oh shut up and come on!"


One hour later.

"There they are!  ANASTASIA JULIET!"

"Jessica, calm down." Danny says.

"No!  She needs to tell us where she's going, Daniel."

"Mom!  What are you doing?!" Anastasia's eyes widen.

"Why can't you tell me when you're leaving the house?"

"I'm sorry, I was just-"

"I'm so tired of hearing I'm sorry.  Just tell me where you're going and when you're leaving, Ana."

Anastasia sighs. "Mom, I'm so tired of you doing this all the time.  Ashton and I were talking and we both think it's best if I just move in with him."

Jessica laughs. "Oh really?"




"Anastasia, you cannot move in with a boy until you graduate college.  You are doing great in school and this will only distract you."

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now