Don't take him away

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Jessica cries and says, "Why do I love him so much, Sarah?"

"Because you've been with him over thirty years, and you have six children together."

"I don't want a divorce, but I'm so angry with him.  How could he do this to me?"

"You know I love you and I'm pissed Danny did this to you.  You're my sister, Jess.  But I know Danny wasn't in his right mind.  He would never do something like this to you.  And I know you know it too."

"I do."

"Once he's out, what are you gonna do?  Have you decided?"

"I'm gonna have him come home."


"He might have to sleep in the duplex for a while but.. I want him to come home so we can work on this."

"Yes, you all have to focus on getting better so you can work on your relationship.  Not just you and Danny, but him and the kids as well."

"I know.  I just want him home.  He has to come home."

"He will."

"I didn't tell him I loved him."


"He called me a few days ago and I told him I didn't want to speak to him.  I was so angry with him, Sarah." Jessica cries.


"He told me he loved me and I didn't say it back.  And I do, Sarah.  I love him so much.  I love that man so fucking much!"

"You'll get to tell him, Jess."

Jessica let out a sob.  Sarah just listened to her.  This is what Jessica needed right now.


Days have past Jessica and the girls are feeling a lot better.  It's been three days since anyone has had a fever.  Though their cough is still lingering on, and their bodies are completely exhausted, everyone is just relieved things didn't get any worse for them.

"Gamma?" Jessie looked up to her grandmother as she put her socks on her chubby little feet.

"Yes baby?"

"You my mommy now?"

Jessica laughs. "No sweet girl.  I'm still Grammy."

"Why I not lib wih my mommy n' dada no more?"

"Because you were sick, remember?  We didn't want mommy and daddy getting sick, so that's why you're with me.  Because I was sick too.  But we're all better now so we can go home!"


"You get to see your mommy, daddy, and your brothers!"


"I get to see Emerson!" Willow cheers.

"I know, I miss my baby so much." Jessica pouts.

"Hey you miss my dada too?" Jessie asks.

"Yes!  So much!"

"I miss my daddy.." Willow looks down.

"I know you do, chunk.  I'm sorry."

"He's gonna die."

"Willow!  Don't say that!"

"But mommy, that's what the tv says!"


"They say people are dying."

"Who said that?"

"The news people."

"Why were you watching the news?  Willow, daddy will be fine."

"How do you know?  Maybe he won't, and I'll never see him again."

"Willow honey." Jessica sighs and sits down on the couch. She takes Willow's hand, and she sits on her mother's lap.

"I asked God to help him.  I don't want him to suffer."

"Me niether."

Willow cries and cuddles into her mother. "I love him so much."

Jessica cries and comforts her daughter as much as possible. "He loves you too, Princess."


"There she comes!  MOMMY!  MOMMY!" Emerson shouts as he jumps up and down.

Isaiah opens the back door and Emerson tackles Jessica.

"Carful, little bro." Isaiah says. "You're gonna knock her down!"

"Oh my baby!  I missed you so much!"

"You're alive!"

"Of course I am!" Jessica laughs.

"I was so scared!"

"Aw my boy.  I'm okay, sweetie."

"I love you so much, momma."

"I love you more, Emmy."

"MOMMY!  DADDY!" Jessie shouted.  Isaiah and Emily hugged their daughter, and placed kisses all over her face.

After hugging Jessica, Emerson ran to his sister.

"Sissy!  I missed you so much too!  How do you feel?"

"Better.  But I can't smell or taste anything at all!"

"Oh no!  I'm sorry, Lolo."

"It's okay, brother.  I missed you." Willow smiles and kisses Emerson's cheek.

"I missed you too, sissy."


Later that day.

"Momma, I'll clean up after the kids, you go rest.  You've done enough."

"I have to stay busy, honey."

"You look exhausted though."

"I am a little, and my stomach kinda hurts." Jessica pouts and places her hand on her stomach.

"Ah yeah.  Covid stomach."

"Is that a thing?"

"It is.  It's normal.  Just go up and get on the heating pad or take a nap."

"Okay.  Thank you, honey."

"You're welcome." Isaiah smiles and kisses her forehead.

Jessica went upstairs and laid on hers and Danny's bed.  Jessica cried silently as she thought about Danny in the hospital all alone.

"Please.. please just let him come home and we'll work on things.  I know I said I hated him, but I don't.  God, please don't take him away from me."

Just then the phone rang.  It was the hospital.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now