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"Mom please!"

"Anastasia No! You're grounded which means No Halloween party!"

"Ugh!  MOM!"

"Anastasia, Please go to your room."

"I am almost nineteen years old, stop treating me like a child!"

"I have already told you that as long as you are living under my roof, you will live under my rules!"

"Fine, then I'll leave!"

"Okay, where are you gonna go?"

"I'll get my own place!"

"With what money?  You're still in school and you don't have a job."

Anastasia looks at her mother with so much hate.

"What?  Did you think your father and I were just gonna give you money to run away?"

"I'll live with Gabriella!"

"Honey, we're leaving back to New York in a couple days." Gabriella says holding her sleeping son.

"I can stay there when you're gone."

"Ana." Gabriella laughs. "I don't want you there, throwing parties in my house when I'm away!"

"Ugh!  This is so unfair!  I hate you all!"

"Anastasia!" Jessica shouts.

"No!  I hate you, mom!" She shouts before stomping up to her room.

Jessica looks down and sighs.
The twins see how upset their mother is and walks over to comfort her as best they can.

They hug her legs, lay their heads on her, and softly rub their little hands over her legs.

"We no hate, mama."

"Yeah.. we lub ya." Willow says.

Jessica smiles softly and tears start rolling down her cheeks.

"Mama, no cwy!  Ana a meany head!" Emerson says.

"We no meany heads, mama." Willow nods.

"Oh my babies.  I know you're not.  Thank you so much for being so sweet to me."

"You da besss, mama!" Willow giggles as she and her brother hug their mother.

"I love you two so much!  Mama's little surprise babies." She giggles.

"Supwise!" Willow shouts, jumping up and lifting her hands in the air.

"Yeah!" Jessica laughs.


A few hours later.

"Look at these cool costumes!" Gabriella tells the twins.

"Who are you guys?" She asks.

"Pebs!" Willow smiles, bouncing up and down.

"You're Pebbles? How cool! Who are you, Emerson?!"

"BAM BAM!" Emerson giggles.

"How cool!  You two are the cutest!"

"What baby be?" Willow asks.  She calls William her baby.

"Baby is going as Peter Pan."

"I watch dat!"

"Yeah! Me n' sissy lub dat mobie!" Emerson says.

"Awesome!  So does William! And so does your big sissy.. Me!" Gabriella smiles.

Two Fools in Love: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now